Search results for 'Túre' > Page 4

Gregory in Elvish

Greg, your name is really cool! It’s an Ancient Greek name meaning “Watchful.” This fits in great with Elven languages, and all we need to add to it is gendered name suffixes. Sindarin The Sindarin word for “Watchful” is Tirweg, which can be used on its own as a gender-neutral

Mary in Elvish

Mary, your name is really cool! It’s an ancient name that has soared in popularity for thousands of years. It’s so old that we don’t exactly know its meaning. We have many, many possible meanings based on linguistic research. There are two main theories. First is that it’s an old

Elizabeth in Elvish

Elizabeth, your name is really cool! It’s an old Hebrew name that has spread all across Europe. It’s likely a play on words, because the root of the second word, SH-B-ʕ, could be read as “oath, bond” or “seven.” The word for “seven – sheva” being very close to the

Erin in Elvish

Erin, your name is really cool! It’s an Irish name meaning “to/for Ireland.” As a personal name it pops up in the 20th century, thus I’ve charted its development as the name of Ireland. “Dative Case” is a fancy linguistic term for nouns being used in a sentence, where the

Steven in Elvish

Steven, your name is really cool! It’s an ancient Greek name meaning “Crown, Garland.” Sindarin The Sindarin word for “crown, garland” is Rî. On its own it’s gender-neutral, and to make it gendered, we add feminine and masculine name suffixes. Masculine: Ríon. Feminine: Ríeth or Ríel. Now, as a name

Anne in Elvish

Anne, your name is really cool! It’s an ancient Biblical name that has been imported all over Europe. It means “He[God] has favoured/graced me [with a child].” Elvish languages can’t have sentences in their names, so this name will be translated as “Favor/Grace/Gift.” Quenya Tolkien made a couple Quenya words

Henry in Elvish

Henry, your name is really cool! It’s an old Germanic name meaning “Home King,” and fittingly, it’s been the name of many, many, many kings. And probably a few queens as well, since this name has plenty of feminine versions, like Henrietta and Harriette. Quenya The word for “home” in

Catherine/Katherine in Elvish

Catherine, your name is really cool! It’s an ancient and mysterious name from Ancient Greek, a name so ancient that the Greeks themselves didn’t know what it originally meant! Later on, it was reassigned the meaning “Pure/Clean/Clear,” based on connecting the Ancient Greek word Katharos. They changed the spelling to

Michael in Elvish

Michael, your name is so cool! It’s a rhetorical question, “Who is like El Elyon?” When it comes to translating this name, we have a huge problem. This name isn’t translatable. Not directly, anyways. Elven names aren’t made from sentences. They’re made by combining nouns, adjectives, and name suffixes. Worse

Margaret in Elvish

Margaret, your name is really cool! It’s an elegant name from Ancient Greece meaning “pearl.” When translating this into Elven languages, we have a problem, because neither Sindarin nor Quenya has a word for “pearl.” So, I’m translating it as “sea-gem.” Quenya If you’re a connoisseur of Elvish name translations,