Search results for 'Rên' > Page 49

New Poll

I want to know what you’d like to see improved or added to my website, so I made a poll on it. Currently, I’m working on a phrasebook database, and name database, and finishing this round of edits on Your Sindarin Textbook.

Dirty Words

As some of you may know, my website was kicked offline last month because it apparently had run out of bandwidth. To set the record straight: No it hadn’t run out of bandwidth. There was a problem with the server’s ability to tally the usage of my website, making it


Hello folks! It’s about time I made another newsletter, isn’t it? While I haven’t been writing newsletters, I have been making updates. Lots of them. In January, I attempted to switch servers, because some of the pages were mysteriously disappearing. The server change didn’t help anything, so I went back

New Letters

Hello all! Finals are over! I have no idea how I did on them, and won’t know for a while. I return to school in a week. I’m taking two intense summer French classes, the closest thing to spending the summer in France I can afford. So, for this short

Depressed Forums

Hello everyone! It is the cheery hour of two in the morning, and I have a few updates to give you before I collapse on my bed. I have a story to tell you. Personally, I see myself as one of the last people in the world susceptible to this,


Hello everyone! You can now help me make decisions about the website! Under the House of Guests there is the Pollbooth. Please Vote! I’ve added a section for people wanting websites with titles in Tolkien’s languages. Your Sindarin Textbook is a huge success so far! There are seven students on


Please forgive me for neglecting you for so long! I have a lot of updates to get through. I decided that the Sindarin subtitle was a silly idea. In its place, I put a pretty banner that I made in MSPaint. I learned some CSS coding! Now the navigation bar


It’s my birthday! And in the Hobbit tradition, I’m giving you a present! It’s an addition to my essay, “An Elven Wedding”, the Sindarin Phrase Book, and the Quenya Phrase Book. I present to you the Elven Wedding Vows! Also, welcome the new Spring theme for the website! That’s a