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Dog Commands in Elvish

Over the years, I’ve translated dog commands for a few people, so I’ve decided to make it a short article for all you nerdy dog trainers. Before I started translating, I looked up some research on what exactly dogs hear when we speak. Turns out that what they hear best

Joshua In Elvish

Joshua, your name is really cool! It means “YHWH will save.” It has a fascinating history because it entered into the European languages twice: once through Ancient Greek, and again when translators of the Bible started looking at older, closer to the original sources and retranslating everything. Basically, Joshua and

Christine/Christian in Elvish

Christine and Christian, your name is really cool! It’s a Latin family name meaning “follower of Christ.” This -iāna/-iānus suffix, which was used for members of a family or of a group having something to do with whatever the suffix is attached to, survives for us as the -ian suffix.

Amy in Elvish

Amy, your name is really cool! It’s an old Latin name meaning “beloved.” When it came to French, they made it their own form of passive participle, which is why their version seems so different from its ancestor. Translating this into Elven languages will be fairly straightforward. Elven names are

Charles in Elvish

Charles, your name is really cool! It’s an old Germanic name meaning “Free Person.” It’s been a popular name for men and women for over a thousand years, basically ever since the Frankish king Charlemagne reigned. I included feminine versions of the name because they’ve developed in fascinating ways right

Mary in Elvish

Mary, your name is really cool! It’s an ancient name that has soared in popularity for thousands of years. It’s so old that we don’t exactly know its meaning. We have many, many possible meanings based on linguistic research. There are two main theories. First is that it’s an old

Henry in Elvish

Henry, your name is really cool! It’s an old Germanic name meaning “Home King,” and fittingly, it’s been the name of many, many, many kings. And probably a few queens as well, since this name has plenty of feminine versions, like Henrietta and Harriette. Quenya The word for “home” in

Samantha in Elvish

Samantha, your name is so cool! Its past is really mysterious. It’s reportedly from Biblical Hebrew and is a feminine version of Samuel, but it doesn’t appear in the Bible and it can’t be understood in Hebrew. We don’t have records of the name until the 19th century, where it

John in Elvish

John, your name is really cool! The Abrahamic religions imported it all over the place, meaning that many names that you never considered to be the same name might be yet another a version of Yohanan. The graphic represents only a tiny fraction of the variants of this name, not

Elvish Poem: Darthol Il-lu Uireb

Original Japanese lyrics by: Kaku Wakako Listen to the Song in Japanese Sindarin translation by: Fiona Jallings Ni nallog os sad min faer *ragui nîn. I *û gîn ve ôl, pedel annin darthad vin ôl. Ú-nuithon i nîn hiriel hin, egor i naeg vin chûn nîn. Ach ab naergon, iston