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It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Please don’t kill me for my disappearance! I have good updates to offer to you! Firstly, the Timelines are up! Gildor is the one who donated them, I just rewrote the coding. The Beta Reader List has been updated (six months worth of updates!)

New Letters

Hello all! Finals are over! I have no idea how I did on them, and won’t know for a while. I return to school in a week. I’m taking two intense summer French classes, the closest thing to spending the summer in France I can afford. So, for this short

Flu Break!

Howdy all! I was so busy with midterms and influenza that I didn’t do any updates. Now that it is Spring Break, I’m updating and cleaning things up like crazy. All of the Sindarin Name lists are cleaned up! Doriathrin Names Woodelven Names Sindarin Names Gondorian-Sindarin Names A new section

Quenya Phrasebook

Hey all! I have many updates to show you today. You know that pitiful update I did for New Year? Well, this is the other shoe dropped. THE QUENYA PHRASEBOOK IS FINALLY COMPLETE! The sections I uploaded since the last newsletter are as follows: Friendly Phrases Complements Unfriendly Phrases Insults

Quenya & Gondor

Hello! I had a grand idea. Why not put my website newsletters up here? So I shall. Gondorian-Sindarin Name List I added another dialectal name list for Gondorians with Sindarin names. How could I do this whilst preparing my portfolio? Well, I was procrastinating, and the Gondorian dialect doesn’t differ

Depressed Forums

Hello everyone! It is the cheery hour of two in the morning, and I have a few updates to give you before I collapse on my bed. I have a story to tell you. Personally, I see myself as one of the last people in the world susceptible to this,

Awarded Hiatus

Hello everyone! Please forgive me for not being there for so long! I do have a few excuses. I was moving to a new dorm room, and it took a few days to get the Internet service transferred, and I had to reinstall Windows twice. I haven’t done much with


Wow, what a lot of updates this week! Well friends, after reorganizing the FTP server I decided to reorganized the navigation. Things should be much easier to find. The navigation has been split into five parts: the normal website stuff, translations, fanfiction, other websites, and the house of guests. It’s


Ai mellyn! A very important notice for today. Getting tired of searching for parts of the website on the FTP server, I decided to organize it there the way it is to the viewer of the website. That means that some of the URLs have changed. Please check the website


Hello everyone! You can now help me make decisions about the website! Under the House of Guests there is the Pollbooth. Please Vote! I’ve added a section for people wanting websites with titles in Tolkien’s languages. Your Sindarin Textbook is a huge success so far! There are seven students on