Sindarin Pronunciation Guide
- bregol Violent/Sudden/Fierce
- brenia- To Survive
- brog Bear
- brona- To Survive
- bronadui Enduring/Lasting
- brui Loud/Noisy
- buia- To Serve/Hold Allegiance to
- cîr Renewed
- cîw Fresh/New
- cû Crescent/Bow
- cûn Bowed/Bow-Shaped/Bent
- cab- To Leap/Hop
- cadu Shaped/Formed
- cadwar Shapely
- caeleb Bedridden/Sick
- cal Light
- calar Lamp
- calen Green
- callon Hero
- cam Hand
- can- To Shout/Call/Command
- canad Four
- cand Bold
- car- To Do/Make/Build
- caran Red
- carc Fang
- carpha- To Talk/Speak/Use Tongue
- carweg Active/Busy
- caun Ruler/Commander
- celair Brilliant
- celeb2 Silver
- celebren Of Silver
- celeg Swift/Agile/Hasty
- celevon Silver
- cem Earthen
- cen- To See
- cidinn Small
- cinnog Small
- coll1 Red/Scarlet
- coll2 Hollow
- com Empty/Void
- conui Commanding/Ruling
- corc Crow
- cordof Pippin/Small Red Apple
- corn Round/Globed
- coru Cunning/Wily
- coth Enemy
- craban Raven
- crann Ruddy Faced
- crist Cleaver
- critha- To Reap
- crumui Left-Handed
- cugu Dove
- cuin Alive
- cund Guardian/Lord
- curu Skill
- díhena- To Forgive
- dínen Silent
- dîn Silence
- dîr1 Hard/Difficult
- dîr2 Mistaken
- dû Night/Darkness
- dûr Dark
- dae Shadow
- daer Great/Large
- dail Beautiful/Delicate/Lovely
- dartha- To Wait/Stay/Remain/Last/Endure
- del Horror
- deleb Horrible/Abominable/Loathsome
- delia- To Conceal/Hide
- delu Hateful/Deadly/Fell
- dem Sad
- dern Tough/Thrawn
- dew- To Fail/Miss Mark
- dol Head/Hill
- dolen Hidden/Secret
- doll Obscure/Dark/Hidden/Secret
- dolla- To Hide
- dom Blind
- donn Swarthy
- dorn Tough/Stiff/Thrawn
- dram Heavy Stroke/Blow
- draug Wolf
- drava- To Hew
- drega- To Flee
- dring Hammer
- dringa- To Hammer/Beat
- ec Thorn
- ecthel Spearpoint
- eden New
- edhel Elf
- edhellen Elvish/Of the Elves
- edledhia- To Go Into Exile
- edlenn Exiled
- eg2 Thorn
- eglan Forsaken
- egleria- To Glorify/Praise
- ehad- To Fashion/Make
- eiliant Rainbow
- einior Elder/Very Old
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