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Hello folks! It’s about time I made another newsletter, isn’t it? While I haven’t been writing newsletters, I have been making updates. Lots of them. In January, I attempted to switch servers, because some of the pages were mysteriously disappearing. The server change didn’t help anything, so I went back

Wedding Bells

Wow, it’s been a long time since you heard from me, hasn’t it? Well, have I news for you! I GOT MARRIED! Check out the wedding website: I finally got some work done on the website! I’ve been updating the beta-readers section all along, and I did some small tweaking:


Please forgive me for neglecting you for so long! I have a lot of updates to get through. I decided that the Sindarin subtitle was a silly idea. In its place, I put a pretty banner that I made in MSPaint. I learned some CSS coding! Now the navigation bar


It’s my birthday! And in the Hobbit tradition, I’m giving you a present! It’s an addition to my essay, “An Elven Wedding”, the Sindarin Phrase Book, and the Quenya Phrase Book. I present to you the Elven Wedding Vows! Also, welcome the new Spring theme for the website! That’s a

The Origin of Man

Little to tell you today except that I’ve finally got Internet access again! –Oh, and I’ve finished a new essay called “The Origin of Man” and did a little tweaking in the Sindarin Phrase Book. I have a new e-mail address! From now on, please use —– dreamingfifi/Navaer Lalaith Random