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Dirty Words

As some of you may know, my website was kicked offline last month because it apparently had run out of bandwidth. To set the record straight: No it hadn’t run out of bandwidth. There was a problem with the server’s ability to tally the usage of my website, making it

New Letters

Hello all! Finals are over! I have no idea how I did on them, and won’t know for a while. I return to school in a week. I’m taking two intense summer French classes, the closest thing to spending the summer in France I can afford. So, for this short

Flu Break!

Howdy all! I was so busy with midterms and influenza that I didn’t do any updates. Now that it is Spring Break, I’m updating and cleaning things up like crazy. All of the Sindarin Name lists are cleaned up! Doriathrin Names Woodelven Names Sindarin Names Gondorian-Sindarin Names A new section

Quenya Phrasebook

Hey all! I have many updates to show you today. You know that pitiful update I did for New Year? Well, this is the other shoe dropped. THE QUENYA PHRASEBOOK IS FINALLY COMPLETE! The sections I uploaded since the last newsletter are as follows: Friendly Phrases Complements Unfriendly Phrases Insults

Quenya & Gondor

Hello! I had a grand idea. Why not put my website newsletters up here? So I shall. Gondorian-Sindarin Name List I added another dialectal name list for Gondorians with Sindarin names. How could I do this whilst preparing my portfolio? Well, I was procrastinating, and the Gondorian dialect doesn’t differ

Depressed Forums

Hello everyone! It is the cheery hour of two in the morning, and I have a few updates to give you before I collapse on my bed. I have a story to tell you. Personally, I see myself as one of the last people in the world susceptible to this,


Howdy all! For the past month, Phil Smith and I (to be fair, it was mostly Phil) have been laboring on the new design for the website. We were trying to achieve a more efficient, more professional appearance for the website. I think we’ve succeeded! So long big background! So


Hello all! Good news for all of the Elves of Doriath, I just finished making them a namelist! There’s a new section up in the Quenya Phrase Book, Communication. I’ve made all of the pages pale green, so they’ll look nicer in the iframe. I added a Sindarin version


I have great news today! The Quenya and Noldorin name lists are finally completed and up on the website! Three cheers for Tyrhael and Gildor! HIP HIP HOORAY! HIP HIP HOORAY! HIP HIP HOORAY! Quenya Namelists Exilic Sindarin Phrasebook In celebration, I’ve put up the summer colors. This skin I


Hey everyone! I have several updates to report. First, I’ve started work on Sindarin Lessons. The lessons have forced me to rethink out the language, so I’ve changed my mind yet again on the Sindarin Pronoun system. I need people willing to be guinea pigs to take the lessons and