English: We remember you Literal Translation: [ex] we remember you (informal) Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: Rl! @b,l4 Tengwar the Mode of Beleriand, used for Exilic Sindarin: s`4 7l6`r Pronunciation Guides Language(s): Exilic SindarinThis dialect of Sindarin is spoken
Gondorian Sindarin
This dialect of Sindarin was spoken by the Gondorians. It has many grammatical and pronunciation differences from the other dialects, because Sindarin is spoken as a second language there.
___ i eneth lîn
English: Your name is ___ Literal Translation: _[name]_ is your name (formal) Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: III l b,b0 a;, Tengwar the Mode of Beleriand, used for Exilic Sindarin: ººº ` l6l3 j`V6 Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for
___ a(r) ___ in enith vîn
English: ___ and ___ are our names Literal Translation: _[name]_ and(if the next name starts with a vowel) _[name]_ are [ex] our names Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Tengwar the Mode of Beleriand, used for Exilic Sindarin: ººº ]7 ººº `6 l6`3 r`V6 Tengwar with vowel-tehtar,
___ a(r) ___ in enith dhîn
English: ___ and ___ are y’all’s names Literal Translation: _[name]_ and(if the next name starts with a vowel) _[name]_ are [pl] your names Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Tengwar the Mode of Beleriand, used for Exilic Sindarin: ººº ]7 ººº `6 l6`3 4`V6 Tengwar with vowel-tehtar,
___ a(r) ___ in enith dîn
English: Their names are ___ Literal Translation: _[name]_ and(if the following name starts with a noun) _[name]_ are their names Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Tengwar the Mode of Beleriand, used for Exilic Sindarin: ººº ]7 ººº `6 l6`3 2`V6 Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya,
Nidh *renig?
English: Do you remember me? Literal Translation: Do you remember me? (informal) Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: ,l! @b,lR Tengwar the Mode of Beleriand, used for Exilic Sindarin: 6`4 7l6`sÀ Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya, Gondorian-Sindarin, Adúnaic, and
Nidh *renil?
English: Do you remember me? Literal Translation: Do you remember me? (formal) Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: ,l! @b,la Tengwar the Mode of Beleriand, used for Exilic Sindarin: 6`4 7l6`jÀ Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya, Gondorian-Sindarin, Adúnaic, and
Nidh *renidh?
English: Do y’all remember me? Literal Translation: Do [pl] you remember me? Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: ,l! @b,l! Tengwar the Mode of Beleriand, used for Exilic Sindarin: 6`4 7l6`4À Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya, Gondorian-Sindarin, Adúnaic, and
Gidh *renin
English: I remember you Literal Translation: I remember you (informal) Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: Rl! @b,l, Tengwar the Mode of Beleriand, used for Exilic Sindarin: s`4 7l6`6 Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya, Gondorian-Sindarin, Adúnaic, and Black Speech:
Ledh *renin
English: I remember you Literal Translation: I remember you (formal) Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: ab! @b,l, Tengwar the Mode of Beleriand, used for Exilic Sindarin: jl4 7l6`6 Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya, Gondorian-Sindarin, Adúnaic, and Black Speech: