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*Nínion anin gwannad dhîn

English: I mourn your passing Literal Translation: I weep for your passing (formal) Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: ,;,lð, c,l, ácdc9 !;, Pronunciation Guides Language(s): DoriathrenThis dialect was spoken by the Sindar in Beleriand before Morgoth and the Noldor

*Pi *law di *chirib ned aduial, ti gwand

English: If we don’t find them before nightfall, they are dead. Literal Translation: if [inc] we don’t find them during evening twilight, they are dead Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: 1l a* 9l tl@l2 ,b9 c9Lca 8l ácd Tengwar

Gwannas lûmh and

English: It has been too long Literal Translation: a long time has passed Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: ácdc% ak6 cd Pronunciation Guides Language(s): DoriathrenThis dialect was spoken by the Sindar in Beleriand before Morgoth and the Noldor arrived.

Gwannas lû and

English: It has been too long Literal Translation: a long time has passed Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: ácdc% ak cd Tengwar the Mode of Beleriand, used for Exilic Sindarin: x]5]8 j.F ]2{ Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya,

Sarah in Elvish

Sarah, your name is really cool! It’s an ancient Hebrew name meaning “lady, princess.” Quenya The Quenya word for “lady” is Heri, and the word for “Princess (daughter of the king)” is Aranel. Now, we can leave these as they are, but for an Elven name, they are more like

Catherine/Katherine in Elvish

Catherine, your name is really cool! It’s an ancient and mysterious name from Ancient Greek, a name so ancient that the Greeks themselves didn’t know what it originally meant! Later on, it was reassigned the meaning “Pure/Clean/Clear,” based on connecting the Ancient Greek word Katharos. They changed the spelling to

Sindarin Family-Words

This is a list of words for various familial relationships. I’ve organized them by the relationship and by number. Gondorian’s plurals are often different, and they are in (G. parentheses). The dialect of Doriath often has slightly different words for things, and they will be marked with (D. parentheses). The

Elvish Poem: Athelas

Kingsfoil Original English by J. R. R. Tolkien Ir i thûl vorn thuia A nguruthos gala A galadath gwannar Tolo athelas! Tolo athelas! Cuil ‘ni phin firiel Min gam aran hadhel! When the black breath blows And death’s shadow grows And all lights pass, Come athelas! Come athelas! Life to