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Collaboration with Wyrmwood

There are a LOT of table-top gamers among us. My own house gets filled with people playing Pathfinder and Dungeons and Dragons from Friday afternoon through Sunday night. I may or may not have an Elf-bard named Lennel. All this was on my mind when I was contacted by Wyrmwood,

Terms and Conditions

Hi there! Welcome to the Terms and Conditions Page! Definitions: We/Us/Our/Ours = the translators and writers and web designers of I/Me/My/Mine = Fiona Jallings, the head translator and owner of You/Your/Yours = user of’s services. = these three websites:, the RealElvish Academy, and the RealElvish

Privacy Policy

Who we are Tolkien language scholars and linguists. We run these three websites: Realelvish Academy Realelvish Store All of them with the goal of spreading the use of Tolkien-language scholarship. What personal data we collect and why we collect it Store Data While you visit our site, we’ll track:

GISHing for Tengwar?

Moral of the lesson: This is why you don’t want an inexperienced transcriber doing Tengwar for you. For two days now, I, and Tolkien expert friends of mine, have been bombarded by people doing the GISH scavenger hunt. It’s starting to get old. Mostly because this transcription is truly awful.

Livestream Wednesdays

I tried out doing a livestream – didn’t tell anyone I was going to do it, just tried it out. It wasn’t near as terrifying as I was worried it would be. So, I think I’ll try it again, this time with telling people before hand. Here’s the one I

Ookii Sora Con News

So, I went to Ookii Sora Con, and from what I got to see of it, it was a success! It looked like everyone else was having a blast. I on the other hand, got really sick and had to leave a few hours into the second day for the

I’m going to RustyCon!

RustyCon is a scifi/fantasy convention that has been running 35 years in the Seattle, Washington area. It from January 12th to the 14th, at the Seattle Airport Marriott hotel and convention center. It looks like it’ll be a lot of fun, so if you’re in the area, stop by and

For the Second Edition

This is a page devoted to the errors that I’ve found in my book (big ones, not typos!) and features that I’m thinking of adding to the next edition. If you have any ideas for the next edition, send me a message and we can talk about it. Tengwar and

Downtime Lately

Sorry about all of the recent downtime folks, but I think I’ve got it fixed. I moved my whole website to new servers! This new setup should be much, much better, cheaper, and with a lot less downtime. The database of names is fixed up, and the names starting with