Dorothy, your name is really cool! It’s an Ancient Greek name meaning “gift of a god.”
The word “theós” is a generic word for “a god,” not a name for a specific god. Therefore, translating this will be much easier than other deity-themed names.
The word for “gift” is Anna, and the word for “a god” is Aino or Vala.
Gender-neutral: Valanna and Ainoanna.
Feminine: Valanne and Ainoanne.
Masculine: Valanno and Ainoanno.
For your Elven characters… this is a pretty weird name. Perhaps you could use it as a Mothername, if it’s connected to a prophecy.
The word for “gift” is Ann, and the word for “a god” is Aenor, Balan, or Rodon. Aenor and Rodon are compound words, an adjective with a masculine agental suffix, so we’ll keep them at the end of the name and switch out the masculine agental suffixes with feminine agental suffixes.
Gender-neutral: Balanan and Ambalan.
Feminine: Annaeneth and Androdeth.
Masculine: Annaenor and Androdon.
As names for a character in Middle-earth, these would be really conceited. But, if it’s a name given by one of the parents of the character, it’d make a lot more sense.
Dorothy, I hope that you found this article interesting and useful!
If you’d like your name translated in this series, comment below and I’ll consider it for a future article!
Hanks, Patrick & Hodges, Flavia. A Dictionary of First Names Oxford University Press. 1990. pgs 89-90.