Search results for 'Arte' > Page 7

Calendars of Arda

Eldarin Calendar Elves have a long time to live, and thus, divide their lives accordingly. Elves prefer to count time by 12 and 6. Terms Yén (Quenya) 144 years Coranar or Loa (Quenya) – În or Idhrin (Sindarin) 365 days Enquië (Quenya) 1 week, 6 days long Ré (Quenya) –

Donate to Realelvish

If you like the high-quality translations I provide and want my work to continue please donate and spread the word of what I do here! This website takes a LOT of work, time, and money to keep running, and I am not doing it as a hobby. I have a


In The Lord of the Rings, Legolas hears a seagull’s call and right away starts wanting to go to the sea. Then there all of these other Elves that are leaving Middle-earth in droves, going to the sea. Many fans have wondered about that and started some fanon based on

Sindarin Sentient Creatures, Tribes, and Nationalities

Here's a list of words for sentient things capable of speech. I've organized them by number. These words are the same in all Sindarin dialects unless otherwise marked: Gondorian Dialect: (G. parentheses) Doriathren Dialect: (D. parentheses) A quick set of definitions of the grammatical terms: Singular One [noun] Plural More

Elven Naming Traditions of Valinor

Elven names are not like our names these days, where we don’t know what our names mean without hefty amounts of research, and our names were chosen from lists of pre-existing, traditional names. Elven names have meaning, and an Elf, upon hearing for the first time the true names of

About Me

Once upon a time there was a fanatical fan of The Lord of the Rings. In fact, this is hardly an unusual occurrence, except this fan had read both The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings before she saw the movies. Shortly after the movies came out, she discovered

I’m Back!

I’m back; I had a lovely time, and now school has started. Right now I’m focusing on finishing the new Elvish section of It’s going to be awesome! I’m gathering voice actors (only people in Missoula, Montana whom I can train personally and record personally). It’s a lot of

Fragile Mortality

Some of you may know this already, but last Saint Nicolas’ Day, my grandfather died. We were quite close. He was a brilliant anthropologist and quite gifted at learning languages. If you want to know more about him, do a search on Frank Bessac. I miss him terribly, to the

Dirty Words

As some of you may know, my website was kicked offline last month because it apparently had run out of bandwidth. To set the record straight: No it hadn’t run out of bandwidth. There was a problem with the server’s ability to tally the usage of my website, making it


Hello folks! It’s about time I made another newsletter, isn’t it? While I haven’t been writing newsletters, I have been making updates. Lots of them. In January, I attempted to switch servers, because some of the pages were mysteriously disappearing. The server change didn’t help anything, so I went back