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Son of Dear One Muinion – Son of Dear One


Daughter of Dear One Muiniel – Daughter of Dear One


Dear One Muineth – Dear One


Dear Muin – Dear

Amy in Elvish

Amy, your name is really cool! It’s an old Latin name meaning “beloved.” When it came to French, they made it their own form of passive participle, which is why their version seems so different from its ancestor. Translating this into Elven languages will be fairly straightforward. Elven names are

Sarah in Elvish

Sarah, your name is really cool! It’s an ancient Hebrew name meaning “lady, princess.” Quenya The Quenya word for “lady” is Heri, and the word for “Princess (daughter of the king)” is Aranel. Now, we can leave these as they are, but for an Elven name, they are more like

Mary in Elvish

Mary, your name is really cool! It’s an ancient name that has soared in popularity for thousands of years. It’s so old that we don’t exactly know its meaning. We have many, many possible meanings based on linguistic research. There are two main theories. First is that it’s an old

Sindarin Family-Words

This is a list of words for various familial relationships. I’ve organized them by the relationship and by number. Gondorian’s plurals are often different, and they are in (G. parentheses). The dialect of Doriath often has slightly different words for things, and they will be marked with (D. parentheses). The

Sindarin Pronunciation

The voice actors were Fiona Jallings (female voice that struggles with R-rolling) and Adam Elliott (male voice brought in to roll R’s). General Dialect Vowels Diphthongs Consonants Where the stress falls Dialects Doriathren Sindarin Woodelven Sindarin Gondorian Sindarin Sindarin has three different writing systems, so the sounds are written with

Quenya Pronunciation

Another website with information about Quenya Pronunciation: Elvish Pronunciation Guide Voices in the recordings are Fiona Jallings and Tinwelint. Vowels `C=~C(A/Á) Pronounce them /a/, like the A is in the word “father”. Make sure that the A is pronounced the same at the ends of words too. English speakers often