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Sindarin Phrasebooks Updated

At 5:30 AM, I finally completed uploading the updates to the Neo-Sindarin phrasebooks, including their German translations! Alphin is our German translator, so feel free to send her some thank-yous for all of her hard work! Other than a sparkly new German translation, I’ve reorganized many of the phrasebooks to

Thank you 2016 Donators!

I’ve never received so many donations before! This has definitely broken all of my records. You guys are generous and thoughtful, and you make me so happy to be part of this fandom! There were a total of 18 donators this year, who donated a total of $1,077. This money

Textbook Troubles

TLDR: Sindarin Class is on break until the website is fixed. If you’re a student in the current Sindarin class, you may have noticed some technical problems plaguing the textbook’s website. The menu has gone all wonky, certain pages are giving nothing but errors, and you can’t login. Well, it’s

Calendars and Other Little Updates

Because of the work I’m doing on the Neo-Sindarin textbook, I ended up giving the calendar pages a much-needed overhaul. In the Calendars of Arda essay, I removed the words I made for the Sindarin version (the Sindar weren’t interested in dates as much as others were, and the Noldor

Membership Changes

I got a nifty little pluggin that allows me to manage users of the website much more effectively! So, I’ve opened registration here. Now registered members are the only ones who can make comments. I’ve gotten tired of clearing out hundreds of spam comments (the actual reason for this update!)

LotRO Neo-Sindarin Plugin

LotRO Neo-Sindarin Plugin It’s finally complete! After months of translating coding and testing, you can finally get it! It’s available for free download from The Dwarrow Scholar’s website. The plugin is for the Exilic and Woodelven dialects of Sindarin, since it is for talking with fellow elves in the 3rd/4th

Asperger’s Diagnosis

I don’t usually post about personal things, but I’m breaking that rule today, because I’m trying to process something that happened to me recently. I was diagnosed with high-functioning autism a few weeks ago. At first, all I saw was the downsides. How it makes me difficult to work with,

New Beta Reader

Welcome Valaraen! Valaraen is the first beta reader to sign up with the new system! You can read their profile on the Beta Readers’ page. If you know anyone who would be interested in this, give them a link to the Beta Reader Application form.