The poor old Quenya Pronunciation Guide hadn’t been updated in about a decade. Now it’s got recordings (thanks to Bailey for R-rolling duty!), Tengwar (thanks to Shihali for fixing those old fonts!), and the fancy new information we learned from Parma Eldalamberon #19 and #22. This is in preparation for
Elvish Poem: I Lairë Cormo Minë
The One Ring Poem Original English by J. R. R. Tolkien Translated into Quenya by Fiona Jallings Photo by Erik Stein =ˆ=`B jlE7F aH6t^ t%5$=ˆ= Cormar neldë aranin Eldaron nu hellë, Otso heruin Casaron hrótantassen ondova, Nertë firimë Atanin martainë firë, Minë Morna Herun morna mahalmaryassë Morinóressë yassë lumbuli caitar.
Namelists Revamped and the Downtime Yesterday
It’s been an exciting couple of days! After years of wrestling with the massive namelists, I’ve finally come up with a solution that I think will work. Give the Name Lists a gander and let me know if you like their new setup! I basically tried to replicate the old,
Collaboration with Wyrmwood
There are a LOT of table-top gamers among us. My own house gets filled with people playing Pathfinder and Dungeons and Dragons from Friday afternoon through Sunday night. I may or may not have an Elf-bard named Lennel. All this was on my mind when I was contacted by Wyrmwood,
Donation Totals for 2018
Wow, you guys are super generous! With these donations, I kept the website running and was able to, you know, eat food. The total donations I received from Paypal and Patreon is $794.68! The donators and the amounts they donated are listed on the Donate to RealElvish page. Not only
Livestream in One Hour!
Today’s livestream is about how and why and what I’ve done to’s design. And why yesterday I was swearing off all caffeine ever. If you watch the livestream on YouTube you can join in the conversation!
Website Update in 3 Hours
In 3 hours, things are going to get trippy in here as I install a new theme. I’ve already moved things around in the menus a lot because of this, made some new directory pages, made a fancy new landing page, so, this should go pretty quickly. That is the
Livestream in an Hour!
As promised, this livestream will be about the work I’m putting into redesigning
Sorry About the Spamming
Sorry that I filled all of the subscriber’s inboxes with essays and elvish poetry! I’m moving things around the website, cleaning out some of the old material that is no longer used much, and refocusing the website on the names and phrases! I’ve let this place get kinda sprawling and
No Livestream Today
I’ve been battling some sort of bug all week and it’s getting the better of me today. sitting upright is making my head spin. Better luck next week