I’ll be livestreaming on Twitch in 2 hours (Noon-30 Mountain Time; here is a time-zone converter). I’ll be talking about Tolkien’s languages, learning them, what I’ve been sewing and why, and my cat will likely come join us at some point. See you there!
Let’s do a Livestream! (Trying out Twitch)
Dreamingfifi on Twitch is a new thing. But, I’m trying it out. Come hang out with me, get some free translations and translation advice, see what I’m sewing, and catch a glimpse of my cat.
“Write English with Tengwar” Kindle E-Book Pre-orders Available
“Write English with Tengwar” Kindle E-book Pre-order The release date is 02/02/2020 (because it’s a palindrome and I couldn’t resist). The price is $2.99 which is as cheap as I was allowed to make it. To help this book succeed, spread the word! Share the link to the pre-order to
“Write English with Tengwar” Cover Art by Edith Wietek
When I was looking for a cover artist for “Write English with Tengwar,” I had a very good idea of what I wanted already. The cover would need to be in calligraphy, since this is a book about writing, but it would also have to be artistic, with the flare
New Book Coming Out! “Write English with Tengwar”
Want to write like an elf, but not learn a language? Then this book is for you! Welcome to General Use Tengwar, a mode Tolkien developed for using his Elven letters to write English. He used it to write the text on the title page of The Lord of
New Products Added to the Store
So, this whole “having an online store” thing is still pretty new to me, and I’m learning a lot as I go along! The first major thing that I’ve learned is that trying to maintain the “200 most popular names in the last century on t-shirts” was a truly terrible
The Top 200 Names in Tengwar on T-shirts
TLDR: I put 200 names in Tengwar onto t-shirts, available in the RealElvish Store now! In this epic quest, I stumbled upon this: USA’s Social Security Administration’s Top Names Over the Last 100 Years. It’s not perfect, but it’s a starting point. That, plus running across some truly awful attempts
Added Tengwar/Cirth Punctuation Guide
Since the punctuation systems for Tengwar and Cirth are so different from the Latin punctuation that we’re used to, I’ve added a page, accessible through any of the individual phrase pages, that explains how to change or add punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth transliterations of the phrases. It’s very
Tengwar and Cirth Added to Phrasebooks!
Check it out in action! The adventure for adding the Tengwar and Cirth to the phrasebooks was a long one, with a lot of setbacks. First, there was the getting the Cirth and Tengwar fonts to work at all. That took multiple tries and Shihali cracking open the lid on
Why We Had Downtime
At about 4AM (Montana Time) 4 days ago, the website went down. When I got up, I was getting alerts about insane amounts of activity on the website, so much that the server was slowing down and preventing people from viewing the website. I thought at first that we were