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About Neo-Elvish

A translation labeled “Neo-Elvish” just means that Tolkien didn’t do the translation, someone else did. That means that ANYTHING not directly attested by Tolkien is Neo-Elvish. All of the Elvish in the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit movies is Neo-Elvish, and so are the translations on this website.


I’m at KuroNekoCon and having a blast! There is a lot of crossover between Anime nerddom and Elvish nerddom, so I’m getting to chit-chat with a lot of people and nerd out. I love watching people’s eyes light up when they realize they’ve just found another person in the world

GISHing for Tengwar?

Moral of the lesson: This is why you don’t want an inexperienced transcriber doing Tengwar for you. For two days now, I, and Tolkien expert friends of mine, have been bombarded by people doing the GISH scavenger hunt. It’s starting to get old. Mostly because this transcription is truly awful.

For the Second Edition

This is a page devoted to the errors that I’ve found in my book (big ones, not typos!) and features that I’m thinking of adding to the next edition. If you have any ideas for the next edition, send me a message and we can talk about it. Tengwar and

Thank you 2016 Donators!

I’ve never received so many donations before! This has definitely broken all of my records. You guys are generous and thoughtful, and you make me so happy to be part of this fandom! There were a total of 18 donators this year, who donated a total of $1,077. This money

Changes to the Beta Reader Pages

Another thing that I ended up changing extensively is how the beta-reader system works. The changes I made will hopefully make beta readers feel a lot more secure and have more control over their profiles. Change #1 – Beta Readers are now members of the website. If your application is

New Website, Massive Updates

Hello everyone! It has been a long, long, long, year. I graduated from college at long last, got a job, quit that job, and somehow, amidst all of that, I finished modernizing the website. My good friend Phil Smith has moved on to follow his own writing projects (should be