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Adûnaic Dictionary

Compiled by Lambendil a- pron. aff. it ~ (*3A-/*?A-) -a suff. Subjective ending for plural Neuters ~ (SD/430) aban n. earth <-Abattârik ~ UT/222 ~ (*BAN1) abâr n. strength, endurance, fidelity ~ SD/431 ~ (BAR) < E. BOR Abattârik name. Pillar-of-Earth ~ UT/222 ~ Aban-Târik abrazâ- v. to stand fast


If you found an asterisk in the phrasebooks, then the word following it is reconstructed. Reconstructed words aren’t found in Tolkien’s work, but a made by guessing how Tolkien would have made the word. Luckily for us, Tolkien left a lot of material behind to reconstruct from. Of course, this

Quenya Pronouns

Quenya Pronouns are well-documented. Tolkien described them many times. The ones that aren’t attested in the source material are colored red. I’ve organized them according to case, person, and number. It should be noted that Tolkien changed his mind on what the pronouns would be a few times over the

Tolkien’s Magic

I’m not speaking of his incredible writing voice or his powerful poetry; I’m speaking of the magic in Eä, the World that Is. There seems to be a lot of confusion on this topic in the fanfiction and RP world. With many fans left clueless, they turn to other fandoms

Vampires and Werewolves in Middle-earth

We all know what the stereotypes of vampires and werewolves are in our modern fiction. They’re based off a combination of Bram Stokers’ Dracula and old European folktales. Tolkien, however, didn’t have brooding, humanoid, mysterious vampires or werewolves in his work. Here, I shall cover the brief mentions of Tolkien’s

Basic History of the Languages of Arda

This is a guide for those of you trying to figure out what language people would be speaking and naming in a fanfiction/roleplay/daydream. Before the Sun and the Moon Eru makes the Ainur, and they speak Valarin, and presumably through music. The Elves awaken at Cuiviénen, and they speak Common

Elven Races

Elves are all pretty people with pretty hair and pretty eyes and pretty bodies and pretty fortune telling telepathic powers and pretty neat magic and pretty cool action scenes, right? Wrong! Contrary to popular belief in the fan fiction/RPG world, Tolkien’s Elves aren’t just prettier, more magical, cooler versions of

Elvish Poem: Ollas Nin o hAuth

I Dreamed of War I ûl osp cân annin vin ely nîn. Cenin anin ‘Rûn, anin mâr e-Dawarwaith, i noss nîn. Lith haer toba i lammen ned i thuion. Echuiel faug, ethuion ar anin chenneth nîn nerin. I gened nîn eno ‘annen vin ôl nîn. I thî velig maethyr heregui