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Beta-Testers Needed

It’s finally time to beta-test the new phrasebook database! Phrasebook Database Interface Please let me know any problems or errors that you find, and any suggestions you have for making it easier to use are welcome. One little note: the “all of them” option for the phrasebook sections won’t be

Alla ilquen!

A luhta tálunyassë, pan apárien parmanen Amanya eldalambé! Parma Ñoldorinwai quentelion ya Micael nin tencë ná yerna ar mauya nin sá at-etécië. Sinen, parnen.  Ma mára len? Ahem… Well that was fun. Basically: I’m rewriting the outdated Quenya phrasebook that Michael wrote for me ages ago. In order to do

Exilic Names

The Noldorin Names were a mess. I’m replacing them with Exilic names, which are taking forever to put together. Also, I put together a quick little index for the pronunciation guides so people can find them a little more easily.


The death of Geocities took with it many fantastic Tolkien-linguistics websites. I hadn’t done a complete link-check until now, and found a large number of the websites are now gone. How depressing! I hope they find new homes, because they were excellent resources. Novaer mellyn!

Fragile Mortality

Some of you may know this already, but last Saint Nicolas’ Day, my grandfather died. We were quite close. He was a brilliant anthropologist and quite gifted at learning languages. If you want to know more about him, do a search on Frank Bessac. I miss him terribly, to the

Dirty Words

As some of you may know, my website was kicked offline last month because it apparently had run out of bandwidth. To set the record straight: No it hadn’t run out of bandwidth. There was a problem with the server’s ability to tally the usage of my website, making it


Hello folks! It’s about time I made another newsletter, isn’t it? While I haven’t been writing newsletters, I have been making updates. Lots of them. In January, I attempted to switch servers, because some of the pages were mysteriously disappearing. The server change didn’t help anything, so I went back

Wedding Bells

Wow, it’s been a long time since you heard from me, hasn’t it? Well, have I news for you! I GOT MARRIED! Check out the wedding website: I finally got some work done on the website! I’ve been updating the beta-readers section all along, and I did some small tweaking: