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Taking Requests

These updates are pretty minor. I just moved around some of the content. I made a whole section for requesting translations out of the old Need Help? page, so hopefully people can figure out how to request translations more easily. I changed the Need Help? page into a new FAQ page,

Words and Poems

A bigger than usual update for today. I posted two new Sindarin poems: I Chiril os Salod and Ollas Nin o hAuth. I cleaned up the Word Lists page, and got rid of the old wordlists (Except the Adûnaic Dictionary, that has aged much more gracefully). They’re outdated, we have

Moved Blog

So, here we are. Due to the Middle-earth Network shutting down social-network operations, I had to move the “News and Updates” section to my own website. In this process, I got another subdomain for my website, installed WordPress 4.0 on it, then mucked around until it became something resembling the

Aduna and an Essay

I finished the research on Adûna pronunciation… 2 years ago? A while ago, anyways. I forgot to make a pronunciation guide page for it. Without further ado, here it is! Adûna Pronunciation You’ll notice that there aren’t any notes on the stress patterns. Unfortunately, Tolkien never described them. I also

I’m back! and SPAM

Hi! I’m back from my adventures going to school, doing NaNoWriMo (I won!), and getting surgery (bi-lateral breast-reduction). I’m still a little sore from surgery, but I don’t need the powerful pain meds that make me extremely loopy. Therefore, I have given myself a green light to go back to

Hard Drive Donation Drive Over

We managed to meet our goal, then blow straight past it! The total amount donated is $1420. The rest of the money will go to paying the websites’ bills, and $5 a month will go to a Humanist charity network called “Foundation Beyond Belief“. They carefully screen charities to make

Status Update on HD Recovery

Notice: Our donation goals have been met! Thank you everyone who helped out, you’re life’swork-savers! More info here! Got an update on the status of the data recovery this morning: “Your media is currently in the clean room where our most advanced engineers are working with your drive in order

Hard Drive Donation Drive

Notice: Our donation goals have been met! Thank you everyone who helped out, you’re life’swork-savers! More info here! If you’re wondering what this is about, read this post first: Our goal is to raise $850, so my spouse and I can afford to eat and pay rent and save

Realelvish Forum

The forums have had a make-over! Proboards is updating their forum software, and I just spent several hours tweaking the settings to make it look nice. Some cool new features: We have a shotbox! And, you can build your own avatar! It’s got a really sleek, modern look too. I

Phrasebooks Updated

Phrasebook Database, version 2.0 I added a few phrases to them, and added a new column for the new, simpler pronunciation guide. Let me know what you think! And let me know if you find any errors. There are bound to be a few that slipped through the cracks, as