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Untrustworthy Websites

These are all sources that people have used for Tolkien's Languages that people shouldn't. If you are uncertain of a source that you have been using, contact us and we will check it out for you. Website Title The Languages of Tolkien's Middle-earth by R. S. Noel Reason(s) This book

Sindarin Sentient Creatures, Tribes, and Nationalities

Here's a list of words for sentient things capable of speech. I've organized them by number. These words are the same in all Sindarin dialects unless otherwise marked: Gondorian Dialect: (G. parentheses) Doriathren Dialect: (D. parentheses) A quick set of definitions of the grammatical terms: Singular One [noun] Plural More


These are wordlists put together by members of the Realelvish team for your convenience. Quenya For the Elves in and from the Holy Land, Aman (including Valinor). Sindarin For the Elves of Middle-earth. Adûnaic For the Númenóreans. Calendars of Arda All of the calendars and the time-related terms you need

Name Lists

First stop: Naming Traditions, so you know what language the names you chose will be in and what sort of name you’re looking for. If you don’t care: go to the Random Name Generator. Namelists: Quenya Name List For the Noldor dwelling in Valinor and in Middle-earth, and the Gondorian

Dwarven Naming traditions

Dwarves have two or more names. Two of them are given at birth. The first is made of Kuzdul, the Dwarven language. Only other Dwarves are allowed to know it (1102 LotR). The second is made of Westron (35 PME), but Tolkien replaced it with Norse (41 PME). This name

Elven Naming Traditions of Middle-earth

If you haven’t read the essay on the Elven naming traditions of Valinor, go back and read it, then read this essay. The conclusions and terminology used in this essay will make more sense if you do so. Of the naming traditions of the Eldar who lived in Valinor, we

Naming Traditions

One of the most important aspects of building a character in Tolkien’s world is the character’s name. The name of the character speaks of the character’s history, culture, personality, present, and occasionally, its future. Many fan writers try (and fail) to do this, so here is a few pages devoted

Elven Naming Traditions of Valinor

Elven names are not like our names these days, where we don’t know what our names mean without hefty amounts of research, and our names were chosen from lists of pre-existing, traditional names. Elven names have meaning, and an Elf, upon hearing for the first time the true names of

Spam Attack!

Hello everyone! The other day, I finally tired of deleting spam. Lately, I’ve had to clean more and more and more of the stuff from the forums. I believe that they perceived the unrestricted posting and charged in for the kill. So, I came up with a clever plan. I’d