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Added Tengwar/Cirth Punctuation Guide

Since the punctuation systems for Tengwar and Cirth are so different from the Latin punctuation that we’re used to, I’ve added a page, accessible through any of the individual phrase pages, that explains how to change or add punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth transliterations of the phrases. It’s very

Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth

I have left much of the punctuation off of the phrases, so that you can adjust the phrases to meet your needs. This will cover what can be removed, what can be added, and what to do when combining phrases. Tengwar Punctuation I left the tengwar transliterations without periods if

Why We Had Downtime

At about 4AM (Montana Time) 4 days ago, the website went down. When I got up, I was getting alerts about insane amounts of activity on the website, so much that the server was slowing down and preventing people from viewing the website. I thought at first that we were

Exilic Quenya Numbers Names

Quenya Pronunciation Guide Names based on the order in which the children are born. If you would like a custom made name, go to Translation Requests and fill out the questionnaire.

Valinor Quenya Numbers Names

Quenya Pronunciation Guide Names based on the order in which the children are born. If you would like a custom made name, go to Translation Requests and fill out the questionnaire.

Collaboration with Wyrmwood

There are a LOT of table-top gamers among us. My own house gets filled with people playing Pathfinder and Dungeons and Dragons from Friday afternoon through Sunday night. I may or may not have an Elf-bard named Lennel. All this was on my mind when I was contacted by Wyrmwood,

Terms and Conditions

Hi there! Welcome to the Terms and Conditions Page! Definitions: We/Us/Our/Ours = the translators and writers and web designers of I/Me/My/Mine = Fiona Jallings, the head translator and owner of You/Your/Yours = user of’s services. = these three websites:, the RealElvish Academy, and the RealElvish

Donation Totals for 2018

Wow, you guys are super generous! With these donations, I kept the website running and was able to, you know, eat food. The total donations I received from Paypal and Patreon is $794.68! The donators and the amounts they donated are listed on the Donate to RealElvish page. Not only