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Terms and Conditions

Hi there! Welcome to the Terms and Conditions Page! Definitions: We/Us/Our/Ours = the translators and writers and web designers of I/Me/My/Mine = Fiona Jallings, the head translator and owner of You/Your/Yours = user of’s services. = these three websites:, the RealElvish Academy, and the RealElvish

Kickstarter Project Launched!

The link to the Kickstarter is here: Free Elvish Lessons at the Realelvish Academy Please spread the word to as many people as you can. Even if you can’t donate, spreading the word helps a LOT! Here’s the video: Thank you guys so much!

Listen to the Interview

It was a lot of fun getting to do this. I think I’ll do more interviews and talks later on, since I had fun. LOTRO Players News Episode 113: Languages in Tolkien In the interview we announced the Dwarvish and Sindarin phrasebook LotRO plugins. I’ll post the links to the

I’m being Interviewed!

At 8:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, I’m being interviewed about my Tolkien-language work, along with a good friend of mine, The Dwarrow Scholar and you can listen and chat along with others listening to the show here:


Elvish Linguistics Learning Tool The reason that I jumped into this project, other than the obvious, is that I see the potential for this to be useful for teachers and students of languages in general. It makes it easy to learn to read a language, especially one like Japanese or

Beta-Testers Needed

It’s finally time to beta-test the new phrasebook database! Phrasebook Database Interface Please let me know any problems or errors that you find, and any suggestions you have for making it easier to use are welcome. One little note: the “all of them” option for the phrasebook sections won’t be

New Letters

Hello all! Finals are over! I have no idea how I did on them, and won’t know for a while. I return to school in a week. I’m taking two intense summer French classes, the closest thing to spending the summer in France I can afford. So, for this short


Hail! I need to apologize to everyone for being so scarce about the website. I’ve been in solitary confinement, or house-sitting for my grandmother. She has a very slow dial-up connection and a computer out of the dark ages. I just about went crazy. Then my boyfriend’s grandfather died while