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Eru, Varda, Manwë

Hello folks! Today we have a few minor additions. “Help us!” phrases were added to the Sindarin phrasebook. Jael pointed out to me that during the short Elven marriage they still speak the names of Eru, Varda, and Manwë. I fixed the error in the Elven Wedding essay. I added


I just figured out how to do iframes! Now, the website will load much quicker and use much less bandwidth. Enjoy! Homepage The Quenya Phrase Book now has twelve sections in it, and counting. Way to go Gildor! Please, let him know how much you appreciate his efforts. dreamingfifi Random

Spam Attack!

Hello everyone! The other day, I finally tired of deleting spam. Lately, I’ve had to clean more and more and more of the stuff from the forums. I believe that they perceived the unrestricted posting and charged in for the kill. So, I came up with a clever plan. I’d


I have great news today! The Quenya and Noldorin name lists are finally completed and up on the website! Three cheers for Tyrhael and Gildor! HIP HIP HOORAY! HIP HIP HOORAY! HIP HIP HOORAY! Quenya Namelists Exilic Sindarin Phrasebook In celebration, I’ve put up the summer colors. This skin I


Hey everyone! I have several updates to report. First, I’ve started work on Sindarin Lessons. The lessons have forced me to rethink out the language, so I’ve changed my mind yet again on the Sindarin Pronoun system. I need people willing to be guinea pigs to take the lessons and


Hi y’all! Today, as I merrily added more names to the lists and phrases to the Sindarin Phrase Book, I decided to do a quick count. It knocked me off my feet. There are 1009 possible Sindarin Phrases in the Phrasebook and 2291 possible names in the name lists. There


It’s my birthday! And in the Hobbit tradition, I’m giving you a present! It’s an addition to my essay, “An Elven Wedding”, the Sindarin Phrase Book, and the Quenya Phrase Book. I present to you the Elven Wedding Vows! Also, welcome the new Spring theme for the website! That’s a


Alert! Warning! Beware! Look out! I discovered that my hosting website,, is putting a spyware virus onto all of the websites hosted there. For the meanwhile, the website has been moved to All of the links still work, but any link you click that’s not the spyware


Hail! I need to apologize to everyone for being so scarce about the website. I’ve been in solitary confinement, or house-sitting for my grandmother. She has a very slow dial-up connection and a computer out of the dark ages. I just about went crazy. Then my boyfriend’s grandfather died while

Woodelven Names

Happy New Year! I have a present for you guys! I researched the languages of Legolas’ kin, the Woodelves, and made them a special name list for the Second and Third Ages of Middle-earth. Besides that, I’ve recoded the Sindarin Phrase Book. Now, it will load very quickly for