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Quenya Pronunciation

Another website with information about Quenya Pronunciation: Elvish Pronunciation Guide Voices in the recordings are Fiona Jallings and Tinwelint. Vowels `C=~C(A/Á) Pronounce them /a/, like the A is in the word “father”. Make sure that the A is pronounced the same at the ends of words too. English speakers often


Dialogue is one of the most important tools a writer can have to build a character. Many authors try to use Elvish to give the dialogue a more authentic feel, and it should work. After all, Tolkien used this trick very successfully. However, there’s a very big difference between Tolkien

Elven Naming Traditions of Middle-earth

If you haven’t read the essay on the Elven naming traditions of Valinor, go back and read it, then read this essay. The conclusions and terminology used in this essay will make more sense if you do so. Of the naming traditions of the Eldar who lived in Valinor, we

Elven Naming Traditions of Valinor

Elven names are not like our names these days, where we don’t know what our names mean without hefty amounts of research, and our names were chosen from lists of pre-existing, traditional names. Elven names have meaning, and an Elf, upon hearing for the first time the true names of

About Me

Once upon a time there was a fanatical fan of The Lord of the Rings. In fact, this is hardly an unusual occurrence, except this fan had read both The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings before she saw the movies. Shortly after the movies came out, she discovered

Hard Drive Donation Drive

Notice: Our donation goals have been met! Thank you everyone who helped out, you’re life’swork-savers! More info here! If you’re wondering what this is about, read this post first: Our goal is to raise $850, so my spouse and I can afford to eat and pay rent and save

Bills Paid

Thanks to a generous donation from “Liberty of the USA”, Merin Essi ar Quenteli! is able to keep its doors open for another year! You can view the list of donors (first names and country of origin only) here. Thank you for helping keep our website going! Máriessë ar márienna!

Dirty Words

As some of you may know, my website was kicked offline last month because it apparently had run out of bandwidth. To set the record straight: No it hadn’t run out of bandwidth. There was a problem with the server’s ability to tally the usage of my website, making it

New Letters

Hello all! Finals are over! I have no idea how I did on them, and won’t know for a while. I return to school in a week. I’m taking two intense summer French classes, the closest thing to spending the summer in France I can afford. So, for this short


Wow, what a lot of updates this week! Well friends, after reorganizing the FTP server I decided to reorganized the navigation. Things should be much easier to find. The navigation has been split into five parts: the normal website stuff, translations, fanfiction, other websites, and the house of guests. It’s