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Foreign Tongues in Fanfic

This essay/rant is mostly based off of an essay by a friend of mine whose website vanished from the internet because she’s moved on. Or died. I have no idea, she’s just gone. Farewell Nurvingiel, you were a great writer and your essay on using foreign languages in story-telling was

Elven Races

Elves are all pretty people with pretty hair and pretty eyes and pretty bodies and pretty fortune telling telepathic powers and pretty neat magic and pretty cool action scenes, right? Wrong! Contrary to popular belief in the fan fiction/RPG world, Tolkien’s Elves aren’t just prettier, more magical, cooler versions of

Elvish Poem: Glaer Boromir

Since this poem is for Boromir, a Gondorian, I’ve put it in the Gondorian dialect of Sindarin. You’ll notice that it leans heavily of Quenya loanwords and uses slightly different mutations than other dialects of Sindarin. Boromir’s Riddle Original English by J. R. R. Tolkien Cesto1 grist *rangen:2 Mi Imladris

Elvish Poem: I Chiril os Salod

Original poem: The Lady of Shalott by Lord Alfred Tennyson. Translated into Sindarin by Fiona Jallings Painting by John William Waterhouse Part 1 Sindarin Literal English Original English Bo ath-rant dorthar breniel rídhien1 i-thair theriel, Hammar dawar, govenir ell2; A thrî rîdh i ven hiriel Am marad Camelod; Adh in

Elvish Poem: I Lant Gil-Galad

The Fall of Gil-galad Original English by J. R. R. Tolkien Gil-galad aran edhellen. I thelegain linnar o then: I âr vedui dôr vain a lain Min eryd ar i aearon. Megil dîn and, ecthel dîn laeg, Thôl hílol dîn palan-dirnen: In gîl ú-enedui menel Tirnin bo thand gelebren dîn.

Elvish Poem: I Naergon Limraedor

The Fisherman’s Lament Tailel danner fain erin gloss iúriel enni. Lebidel pannel an gaded i dhuin rhîw. Caimmen eniver le mabed le chebed dan ethiriassel2. Ben i naergon hen óren nen erui. Your feet fell fair upon the snow as you ran to me. Your fingers, you opened to catch

Elvish Poem: Athelas

Kingsfoil Original English by J. R. R. Tolkien Ir i thûl vorn thuia A nguruthos gala A galadath gwannar Tolo athelas! Tolo athelas! Cuil ‘ni phin firiel Min gam aran hadhel! When the black breath blows And death’s shadow grows And all lights pass, Come athelas! Come athelas! Life to

From Book to Movie

Why Read the Books? Many fans like to try their hand at writing The Lord of the Rings fan fiction after seeing the movie. I suppose they figure, “Hey, it’s the movie of the book, right? There can’t be that many changes, right?” Luckily, they are wrong. The books are