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naica Bitterly Painful/Egregious

Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth

I have left much of the punctuation off of the phrases, so that you can adjust the phrases to meet your needs. This will cover what can be removed, what can be added, and what to do when combining phrases. Tengwar Punctuation I left the tengwar transliterations without periods if

Terms and Conditions

Hi there! Welcome to the Terms and Conditions Page! Definitions: We/Us/Our/Ours = the translators and writers and web designers of I/Me/My/Mine = Fiona Jallings, the head translator and owner of You/Your/Yours = user of’s services. = these three websites:, the RealElvish Academy, and the RealElvish

Privacy Policy

Who we are Tolkien language scholars and linguists. We run these three websites: Realelvish Academy Realelvish Store All of them with the goal of spreading the use of Tolkien-language scholarship. What personal data we collect and why we collect it Store Data While you visit our site, we’ll track:


Hello and welcome to! This is the place to get reliable, up to date, well-researched translations in Tolkien’s languages. There are thousands of translations in our databases, all of them made by linguists and Tolkien-language experts. No content here is computer-generated, all translations were done by humans. With pulses

Omentielva Otsëa

It may have been “Our Seventh Meeting” for some, but for me, it was the first. So many thoughts and feelings are whirling about in my brain, It’s difficult to put them to words, but I will try, none-the-less. When I started out at 15, I thought I was alone

Membership Changes

I got a nifty little pluggin that allows me to manage users of the website much more effectively! So, I’ve opened registration here. Now registered members are the only ones who can make comments. I’ve gotten tired of clearing out hundreds of spam comments (the actual reason for this update!)


Compiled by Ederchil “-bê“, as. Coined by Thorsten Renk. Obviously derived from Eldarin. “bârâna“, mighty. From “abâr“, power. “banakil“, hobbit. From Westron “banakil“, half-man “bêla“, to brighten. From “Bêl“, bright. “hîm“, ale. From Westron “hîma“, ale. “huznudâ“, to hear. Coined by Thorsten Renk. From “huzun“, ear. “îr“, one. From the

Sindarin Family-Words

This is a list of words for various familial relationships. I’ve organized them by the relationship and by number. Gondorian’s plurals are often different, and they are in (G. parentheses). The dialect of Doriath often has slightly different words for things, and they will be marked with (D. parentheses). The

Elvish Poem: Ollas Nin o hAuth

I Dreamed of War I ûl osp cân annin vin ely nîn. Cenin anin ‘Rûn, anin mâr e-Dawarwaith, i noss nîn. Lith haer toba i lammen ned i thuion. Echuiel faug, ethuion ar anin chenneth nîn nerin. I gened nîn eno ‘annen vin ôl nîn. I thî velig maethyr heregui