Sindarin Pronunciation Guide
Names based on job titles.
- adleg- To Release
- angol1 Deep Lore/Magic
- ar King
- aran King
- bŷr Follower/Vassal
- badh- To Judge
- bereth Queen
- beria- To Protect
- bor Faithful Vassal
- buia- To Serve/Hold Allegiance to
- calar Lamp
- callon Hero
- can- To Shout/Call/Command
- car- To Do/Make/Build
- caun Ruler/Commander
- cen- To See
- critha- To Reap
- cund Guardian/Lord
- drega- To Flee
- dring Hammer
- echad- To Fashion/Make
- eitha-1 To Ease/Assist
- elia- To Cause to Prosper/Bless/Help
- fanna- To Veil/Cloak
- fara- To Hunt
- gad- To Catch
- gala- To Grow
- gaud Device/Contrivance/Machine
- glîr Song
- gler Song
- glir- To Sing/Recite
- gonod- To Count
- gor- To Warn/Urge
- hîr Lord
- had- To Throw a Spear or Dart
- hal- To Lift
- halla- To Screen
- hamma- To Clothe/Dress
- hiril Lady
- ialla- To Call
- ista- To Know
- iuitha- To Use/Employ
- lathra- To Eavesdrop
- lind Song/Chant
- linna- To Sing/Chant
- luitha- To Enchant
- mûl Slave
- magor Swords(wo)man
- meron Artist
- metha- To Handle/Wield/Fight
- mista- To Stray/Wander
- nara- To Tell
- nathal Guest
- ndam Hammer
- ndamma- To Hammer
- nedia- To Count
- nella- To Ring a Bell
- nesta- To Heal
- nganna- To Play the Harp
- ngannel Harp
- ngollor Magician
- ngolodh Lore Master/Mistress
- ngolu Lore
- nod- To Count
- nor- To Run
- northa- To Ride/Make Run
- orthel- To Roof
- orthor- To Master/Conquer
- osgar- To Amputate
- othol Stranger/Guest
- pad- To Walk
- padra- To Walk
- paur Fist/Hand
- ped- To Speak/Say
- peth Word
- rîn2 Queen
- rîs Queen
- rada- To Find a Path
- ran- To Wander
- reda- To Catch with a Net
- redh- To Sow
- reitha- To Try/Attempt
- rem Net
- reth Climber
- rista- To Cut/Rip/Rend
- rosta- To Hollow Out/Excavate
- sadar Trusty Follower/Loyal Companion
- suila- To Greet
- tûr Mastery/Victory
- talagand Harper
- tan Maker/Smith/Wright
- taur2 King
- tegil Pen
- teilia- To Play
- teitha- To Write/Draw/Inscribe
- telia- To Play
- tes Nail
- thavor Carpenter/Wright
- thora- To Build a Fence
- tir- To Watch Over/Guard
If you would like a custom made name, go to Translation Requests and fill out the questionnaire.