Realelvish Academy News

Moved Blog

So, here we are. Due to the Middle-earth Network shutting down social-network operations, I had to move the “News and Updates” section to my own website. In this process, I got another subdomain for my website, installed WordPress 4.0 on it, then mucked around until it became something resembling the

I’m back! and SPAM

Hi! I’m back from my adventures going to school, doing NaNoWriMo (I won!), and getting surgery (bi-lateral breast-reduction). I’m still a little sore from surgery, but I don’t need the powerful pain meds that make me extremely loopy. Therefore, I have given myself a green light to go back to

Hard Drive Donation Drive

Notice: Our donation goals have been met! Thank you everyone who helped out, you’re life’swork-savers! More info here! If you’re wondering what this is about, read this post first: Our goal is to raise $850, so my spouse and I can afford to eat and pay rent and save


Notice: Our donation goals have been met! Thank you everyone who helped out, you’re life’swork-savers! More info here! I need help. I lost all of the files on my computer – it’s dying, and I was expecting that, so I had backed them up. Then my external hard-drive died. According

Bills Paid

Thanks to a generous donation from “Liberty of the USA”, Merin Essi ar Quenteli! is able to keep its doors open for another year! You can view the list of donors (first names and country of origin only) here. Thank you for helping keep our website going! Máriessë ar márienna!

New News

I just finished copy-pasting all of the website-updates from the past few years that I hadn’t managed to delete. This shall be the new home of my updates page! And lookie! You can comment on the updates! I don’t know why you’d want to, but if you feel so inclined,


We finally outdid our free bandwidth. The website is down for a few days while we move to a new name server, with lots more bandwidth! Pity it costs so much. Check out the Donate page if you’d like to help keep the website afloat!

Fragile Mortality

Some of you may know this already, but last Saint Nicolas’ Day, my grandfather died. We were quite close. He was a brilliant anthropologist and quite gifted at learning languages. If you want to know more about him, do a search on Frank Bessac. I miss him terribly, to the