New News

I just finished copy-pasting all of the website-updates from the past few years that I hadn’t managed to delete. This shall be the new home of my updates page! And lookie! You can comment on the updates! I don’t know why you’d want to, but if you feel so inclined, go ahead I guess.


  1. Tyler Michael Jonsson | | Reply


    I am glad you made the jump over :)

    Very confident that you will grow to love the system.

    • dreamingfifi | | Reply

      We’ll see. It’s great for blogs, no argument there… but I don’t think it could handle the plans I have for the main website.

  2. Alexandra-Felicity | | Reply

    Welcome! I’ve always enjoyed your site, so it’s good to hear that we’ll be getting your updates here, too. :)

    • dreamingfifi | | Reply

      Thanks for the kind words! I hope that I’ll have something interesting to say.

  3. John | | Reply

    Interesting, dreamingfifi – what plans did you have for the main website? As the blogs function same as any other website via html & css, I’d be interested to see if there is something we can’t handle! Cheers!

    • dreamingfifi | | Reply

      I got the impression that my plans for databases of phrases and names wouldn’t be feasible with when I discussed it with Tyler last week. It’d make mymiddleearth’s server unstable and vulnerable. Also, my customized PHP is difficult to deal with when using WordPress. Importing everything would be a pain. I’m changing the way that the phrasebooks and namelists are displayed so that they are easier to edit and easier to use.

      That said, the textbook might be importable. Rebuilding the look of the textbook would be pretty easy in WordPress, but I need an extra incentive to do that: a way to have students “log in”, turn in their homework online, view the corrections and notations I put on the assignment, and re-turn-in their homework until they get %100. If I can figure out how I could do that with WordPress, I’m in in a heatbeat. If I can’t do that, then it’s too much trouble to bring it over.

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