Sweet Lisse – Sweet
Sweet Lisse – Sweet
lisse Sweet Tasting
Lover/Friend of Bears Medlisser – Lover/Friend of Bears
I’m not sure if lay-fans have noticed, but something obvious to Tolkien-language scholars is that the Elven languages aren’t being used exactly the same way in the TV show as they were in the Peter Jackson movies, and the languages themselves are slightly different too. There are a few things
Anne, your name is really cool! It’s an ancient Biblical name that has been imported all over Europe. It means “He[God] has favoured/graced me [with a child].” Elvish languages can’t have sentences in their names, so this name will be translated as “Favor/Grace/Gift.” Quenya Tolkien made a couple Quenya words
Christopher, your name is really cool! It’s an ancient Greek name, describing and therefore naming a Saint, one who carried baby Christ across water. It literally means “Christ-bearing.” Tolkien liked this name, and gave the name to his son who went on to make sure the world knew the true
John, your name is really cool! The Abrahamic religions imported it all over the place, meaning that many names that you never considered to be the same name might be yet another a version of Yohanan. The graphic represents only a tiny fraction of the variants of this name, not