Today I updated the 101 Sindarin phrasebook, and added a new affiliate (SpanishFakeESDLA)! Then I went about the sad business of removing the affiliates that have been inactive for more than 2 years or that have links which no longer work. I hope that the aftermath of the Hobbit movie
101 Sindarin Phrases
Pronunciation Guides – Your Input Please!
I’m trying to make my pronunciation guides easier for people who aren’t familiar with IPA. Please check them out here (Quenya) and here (Sindarin). Let me know what you think! Thanks!
Please forgive me for neglecting you for so long! I have a lot of updates to get through. I decided that the Sindarin subtitle was a silly idea. In its place, I put a pretty banner that I made in MSPaint. I learned some CSS coding! Now the navigation bar