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Collaboration with Wyrmwood

There are a LOT of table-top gamers among us. My own house gets filled with people playing Pathfinder and Dungeons and Dragons from Friday afternoon through Sunday night. I may or may not have an Elf-bard named Lennel. All this was on my mind when I was contacted by Wyrmwood,

Donation Totals for 2018

Wow, you guys are super generous! With these donations, I kept the website running and was able to, you know, eat food. The total donations I received from Paypal and Patreon is $794.68! The donators and the amounts they donated are listed on the Donate to RealElvish page. Not only

About Neo-Elvish

A translation labeled “Neo-Elvish” just means that Tolkien didn’t do the translation, someone else did. That means that ANYTHING not directly attested by Tolkien is Neo-Elvish. All of the Elvish in the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit movies is Neo-Elvish, and so are the translations on this website.

Privacy Policy

Who we are Tolkien language scholars and linguists. We run these three websites: Realelvish Academy Realelvish Store All of them with the goal of spreading the use of Tolkien-language scholarship. What personal data we collect and why we collect it Store Data While you visit our site, we’ll track:

Website Update in 3 Hours

In 3 hours, things are going to get trippy in here as I install a new theme. I’ve already moved things around in the menus a lot because of this, made some new directory pages, made a fancy new landing page, so, this should go pretty quickly. That is the


Hello and welcome to! This is the place to get reliable, up to date, well-researched translations in Tolkien’s languages. There are thousands of translations in our databases, all of them made by linguists and Tolkien-language experts. No content here is computer-generated, all translations were done by humans. With pulses

Free Translations

This is a list of all of the free content, free to use and reference as you please. Phrasebooks Lists of useful phrases for your Arda adventures. Naming Traditions Learn what sort of names your characters would need, based on their species and/or ethnicity. Name Lists Lists of translated names

Sindarin Wordlists

Neo-Sindarin Wordlist These are fan-coined words. in the Phrasebooks, they are marked with Asterisks. Sindarin Compass Directions A list of compass directions and a few partial phrases including them. Sindarin Family-Words A list of words for family members, including endearments. Sindarin Gender-Words A list of words for people based on

Quenya Wordlists

Neo-Quenya Wordlist These are fan-coined words. in the Phrasebooks, they are marked with Asterisks. Quenya Noun-Cases A list of Quenya’s noun cases for quick reference. Quenya Compass Directions A list of compass directions and a few partial phrases including them. Quenya Family-Words A list of words for family members, including