Search results for 'And' > Page 30

Sindarin Sentient Creatures, Tribes, and Nationalities

Here's a list of words for sentient things capable of speech. I've organized them by number. These words are the same in all Sindarin dialects unless otherwise marked: Gondorian Dialect: (G. parentheses) Doriathren Dialect: (D. parentheses) A quick set of definitions of the grammatical terms: Singular One [noun] Plural More

Words and Poems

A bigger than usual update for today. I posted two new Sindarin poems: I Chiril os Salod and Ollas Nin o hAuth. I cleaned up the Word Lists page, and got rid of the old wordlists (Except the Adûnaic Dictionary, that has aged much more gracefully). They’re outdated, we have

Aduna and an Essay

I finished the research on Adûna pronunciation… 2 years ago? A while ago, anyways. I forgot to make a pronunciation guide page for it. Without further ado, here it is! Adûna Pronunciation You’ll notice that there aren’t any notes on the stress patterns. Unfortunately, Tolkien never described them. I also

I’m back! and SPAM

Hi! I’m back from my adventures going to school, doing NaNoWriMo (I won!), and getting surgery (bi-lateral breast-reduction). I’m still a little sore from surgery, but I don’t need the powerful pain meds that make me extremely loopy. Therefore, I have given myself a green light to go back to

Affiliates and Sindarin

Today I updated the 101 Sindarin phrasebook, and added a new affiliate (SpanishFakeESDLA)! Then I went about the sad business of removing the affiliates that have been inactive for more than 2 years or that have links which no longer work. I hope that the aftermath of the Hobbit movie


We finally outdid our free bandwidth. The website is down for a few days while we move to a new name server, with lots more bandwidth! Pity it costs so much. Check out the Donate page if you’d like to help keep the website afloat!