English: It’s warm Literal Translation: Warm Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: a*R Tengwar the Mode of Beleriand, used for Exilic Sindarin: j]és Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya, Gondorian-Sindarin, Adúnaic, and Black Speech: jyDx Pronunciation Guides Language(s): SindarinThis language
This language was born in Beleriand, and became the Lingua Franca of the elves of Middle-earth.
English: There’s a breeze Literal Translation: A breeze Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: 5b# Tengwar the Mode of Beleriand, used for Exilic Sindarin: ol81 Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya, Gondorian-Sindarin, Adúnaic, and Black Speech: oiF1 Pronunciation Guides Language(s):
English: It’s foggy/misty Literal Translation: Foggy/Misty Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: fl0L Tengwar the Mode of Beleriand, used for Exilic Sindarin: 9`3.Õ Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya, Gondorian-Sindarin, Adúnaic, and Black Speech: 93GhJ Pronunciation Guides Language(s): SindarinThis language
Telir foen
English: Clouds are coming Literal Translation: Clouds are coming Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: 8bal@ 3õ, Tengwar the Mode of Beleriand, used for Exilic Sindarin: 1lj`7 ehÝ6 Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya, Gondorian-Sindarin, Adúnaic, and Black Speech: 1j$6G
English: It’s foggy Literal Translation: Foggy Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: fb0S Tengwar the Mode of Beleriand, used for Exilic Sindarin: 9l3. Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya, Gondorian-Sindarin, Adúnaic, and Black Speech: 93F`M Pronunciation Guides Language(s): SindarinThis language
Tôl sûl
English: Wind is coming Literal Translation: Wind is coming Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: 8òa %ka Tengwar the Mode of Beleriand, used for Exilic Sindarin: 1hFj 8.Fj Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya, Gondorian-Sindarin, Adúnaic, and Black Speech: 1~Nj
Fân fanna Anor
English: It’s overcast Literal Translation: A cloud veils the sun Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: 3v, 3cdc c,ð@ Tengwar the Mode of Beleriand, used for Exilic Sindarin: e]F6 e]5] ]6h7 Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya, Gondorian-Sindarin, Adúnaic, and
Heleg bo dalaf
English: There’s ice on the ground Literal Translation: Ice on the ground Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: fbabR 2ð 9cac4 Tengwar the Mode of Beleriand, used for Exilic Sindarin: 9ljls wh 2]j]r Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya, Gondorian-Sindarin,
Tôl mîth
English: Dense fog is coming Literal Translation: Dense fog is coming Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: 8òa 6;0 Tengwar the Mode of Beleriand, used for Exilic Sindarin: 1hFj y`V3 Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya, Gondorian-Sindarin, Adúnaic, and Black
English: There’s ice Literal Translation: Ice Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: fbabR Tengwar the Mode of Beleriand, used for Exilic Sindarin: 9ljls Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya, Gondorian-Sindarin, Adúnaic, and Black Speech: 9j$x$ Pronunciation Guides Language(s): SindarinThis language