English: We’re from ___ Literal Translation: We are coming from(if the following word starts with a vowel) _[place]_ Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: 8bal4 ðP9P III Tengwar the Mode of Beleriand, used for Exilic Sindarin: 1lj`r h2 ººº Tengwar
This language was born in Beleriand, and became the Lingua Franca of the elves of Middle-earth.
Odúlemh o(d) ___
English: We came from ___ Literal Translation: [ex] We came from (if the following word starts with a vowel) _[place]_ Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: ð9kab4 ðP9P III Pronunciation Guides Language(s): DoriathrenThis dialect was spoken by the Sindar in
O van odúleg?
English: Where were you from? Literal Translation: From where did you come (informal) Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: ð 4c, ð9kabR Tengwar the Mode of Beleriand, used for Exilic Sindarin: h r]6 h2.FjlsÀ Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya,
Telin o(d) ___
English: I’m from ___ Literal Translation: I am coming from(if the following word starts with a vowel) _[place]_ Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: 8bal, ðP9P III Tengwar the Mode of Beleriand, used for Exilic Sindarin: 1lj`6 h2 ººº Tengwar
Amman odúledh hi?
English: Why are you here? Literal Translation: for what did you come here (formal) Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: c7c, ð9kab! fl Pronunciation Guides Language(s): DoriathrenThis dialect was spoken by the Sindar in Beleriand before Morgoth and the Noldor
English: We will come Literal Translation: [ex] We’re willing to come Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: 8ðac0ð4 Tengwar the Mode of Beleriand, used for Exilic Sindarin: 1hj]3hr Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya, Gondorian-Sindarin, Adúnaic, and Black Speech: 1j^3Dr^
O mhan telig?
English: Where are you from? Literal Translation: From where are you coming (informal) Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: ð 6c, 8balR Pronunciation Guides Language(s): DoriathrenThis dialect was spoken by the Sindar in Beleriand before Morgoth and the Noldor arrived.
O mhan telidh?
English: Where are you from? Literal Translation: From where are you coming (formal) Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: ð 6c, 8bal! Pronunciation Guides Language(s): DoriathrenThis dialect was spoken by the Sindar in Beleriand before Morgoth and the Noldor arrived.
Amman odúlel hi?
English: Why are you here? Literal Translation: for what did you come here (formal) Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: c7c, ð9kaba fl Tengwar the Mode of Beleriand, used for Exilic Sindarin: ]t]6 h2.Fjlj 9`À Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for
English: I will come Literal Translation: I’m willing to come Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Cirth, used for Woodelven and Doriathren Sindarin: 8ðac0ð, Tengwar the Mode of Beleriand, used for Exilic Sindarin: 1hj]3h6 Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya, Gondorian-Sindarin, Adúnaic, and Black Speech: 1j^3D5^ Pronunciation