Search results for 'Elu' > Page 5

Quenya Family-Words

This is a list of words for various familial relationships. I’ve organized them by the relationship and by number. Archaic versions of the words are in (parentheses). A quick set of definitions of the grammatical terms: Singular One [noun] Plural More than two [noun]s Dual Two [noun]s Partitive Some [noun]s

Sindarin Sentient Creatures, Tribes, and Nationalities

Here's a list of words for sentient things capable of speech. I've organized them by number. These words are the same in all Sindarin dialects unless otherwise marked: Gondorian Dialect: (G. parentheses) Doriathren Dialect: (D. parentheses) A quick set of definitions of the grammatical terms: Singular One [noun] Plural More

Find Your Phrasebook

Hello writer. I see you have a character who would like to hold a conversation in another tongue. This page will help you figure out what language and dialect you need phrases in. What species is this character? Elf Human (and Hobbit) Dwarf If they are speaking to a fellow

Quenya Phrasebook

Hey all! I have many updates to show you today. You know that pitiful update I did for New Year? Well, this is the other shoe dropped. THE QUENYA PHRASEBOOK IS FINALLY COMPLETE! The sections I uploaded since the last newsletter are as follows: Friendly Phrases Complements Unfriendly Phrases Insults