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Elven Wedding Vows

Related essay: An Elven Wedding Quenya Pronunciation Sindarin Pronunciation We don’t know what the actual wedding vows of the elves are, but we can guess based on Tolkien’s description of wedding ceremonies in the Laws and Customs of the Eldar. At Betrothal First, the two lovers discuss the possibility, (use

Adûnaic Pronunciation

Pronunciation of Adûnaic changed rapidly during its time. Since the phrases and names are given in the Late Adûnaic, this pronunciation guide focuses on that. Vowels (A/Â) Pronounce them /a/, in the back of your throat, like the A is in the word “father”. (Ê) Pronounce them /e:/, in the

Sindarin Pronunciation

The voice actors were Fiona Jallings (female voice that struggles with R-rolling) and Adam Elliott (male voice brought in to roll R’s). General Dialect Vowels Diphthongs Consonants Where the stress falls Dialects Doriathren Sindarin Woodelven Sindarin Gondorian Sindarin Sindarin has three different writing systems, so the sounds are written with

Quenya Pronunciation

Another website with information about Quenya Pronunciation: Elvish Pronunciation Guide Voices in the recordings are Fiona Jallings and Tinwelint. Vowels `C=~C(A/Á) Pronounce them /a/, like the A is in the word “father”. Make sure that the A is pronounced the same at the ends of words too. English speakers often

Simplified Pronunciation Transcription System

Because IPA is tricky for people who aren’t familiar with it, I made up a pronunciation transcription system that doesn’t use unfamiliar characters, is largely based on the ways the words are already written, and can be used for all of Tolkien’s languages. You’ll find it used all over the


Dialogue is one of the most important tools a writer can have to build a character. Many authors try to use Elvish to give the dialogue a more authentic feel, and it should work. After all, Tolkien used this trick very successfully. However, there’s a very big difference between Tolkien

Words and Poems

A bigger than usual update for today. I posted two new Sindarin poems: I Chiril os Salod and Ollas Nin o hAuth. I cleaned up the Word Lists page, and got rid of the old wordlists (Except the Adûnaic Dictionary, that has aged much more gracefully). They’re outdated, we have

Phrasebook Downtime

The phrasebook database will be down for an hour starting 2PM GMT. Phil will be making the URLs for specific sections of the phrasebook easier to link to. This is part of a larger project to make the phrasebooks more accessible in different ways, especially for screen-reader programs. Some other

I’m back! and SPAM

Hi! I’m back from my adventures going to school, doing NaNoWriMo (I won!), and getting surgery (bi-lateral breast-reduction). I’m still a little sore from surgery, but I don’t need the powerful pain meds that make me extremely loopy. Therefore, I have given myself a green light to go back to

Affiliates and Sindarin

Today I updated the 101 Sindarin phrasebook, and added a new affiliate (SpanishFakeESDLA)! Then I went about the sad business of removing the affiliates that have been inactive for more than 2 years or that have links which no longer work. I hope that the aftermath of the Hobbit movie