Son of Green One Laegion – Son of Green One
Son of Green One Laegion – Son of Green One
Daughter of Green One Laegiel – Daughter of Green One
Green Laeg – Green
Green One Laegeth – Green One
Keen/Sharp/Acute Jaw/Row of Teeth Anglaeg – Keen/Sharp/Acute Jaw/Row of Teeth
Green Dragon Amluglaeg – Green Dragon
Green Shield Amathlaeg – Green Shield
Margaret, your name is really cool! It’s an elegant name from Ancient Greece meaning “pearl.” When translating this into Elven languages, we have a problem, because neither Sindarin nor Quenya has a word for “pearl.” So, I’m translating it as “sea-gem.” Quenya If you’re a connoisseur of Elvish name translations,
Sophia, your name is really cool! It is an Ancient Greek name made from the word “Sophos – Skilled, Clever, Wise” and the feminine suffix -ia. It’s a truly ancient name that has changed very little from antiquity. We’ll translate it as “Skilled/Clever/Wise One.” Quenya Quenya separates the concepts of
This is a guide for those of you trying to figure out what language people would be speaking and naming in a fanfiction/roleplay/daydream. Before the Sun and the Moon Eru makes the Ainur, and they speak Valarin, and presumably through music. The Elves awaken at Cuiviénen, and they speak Common