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Ookii Sora Con News

So, I went to Ookii Sora Con, and from what I got to see of it, it was a success! It looked like everyone else was having a blast. I on the other hand, got really sick and had to leave a few hours into the second day for the

2 New Essays about Tengwar Tattoos

Tada! After that poll and talking to lots of people on the topic, I now have two new essays up in the Translation Request section. They are: Basics of Tengwar for Tattoo Seekers Basics of Tengwar for Tattoo Artists Looking at the results of the poll, the things that most

About Elvish Tattoos

So, lately I’ve been getting a lot of tattoo requests, more than I’ve been getting requests for character names or fanfic dialogue. I want to be able to serve you guys more efficiently, so I need to bug you guys for information. I’m also interested in talking to tattoo artists

Exilic Quenya Namelists for People

Names for People-characters. Villains Names for the Villainous characters. Personality Names that describe one’s temperament. Emotions Names having to do with one’s emotions. Physical Attributes Anything that the 5 senses can tell us about a person, appearance, voice, scent, taste, or touch. Abilities Names dealing with things that one can

Exilic Quenya Namelists

These are names that are designed for Exiled Noldorin Elves in Middle-earth and Númenórean/Gondorian royalty. For the Númenóreans, if the language of the Sindar was considered a “High” language, then Quenya was even higher. They reserved it for only the highest proclamations and the names of their rulers. No naming

Valinor Quenya Namelists for People

Names for People-characters. Villains Names for the Villainous characters. Personality Names that describe one’s temperament. Emotions Names having to do with one’s emotions. Physical Attributes Anything that the 5 senses can tell us about a person, appearance, voice, scent, taste, or touch. Abilities Names dealing with things that one can

Valinor Quenya Namelists

These are names that are designed for Vanyarin Elves and pre-Exile Noldorin Elves in Valinor. People Names Names for your characters. Horse Names Names for your characters’ horses. Weapon Names Names for your characters’ weapons.