Search results for 'Ando' > Page 11

Eru, Varda, Manwë

Hello folks! Today we have a few minor additions. “Help us!” phrases were added to the Sindarin phrasebook. Jael pointed out to me that during the short Elven marriage they still speak the names of Eru, Varda, and Manwë. I fixed the error in the Elven Wedding essay. I added


I just figured out how to do iframes! Now, the website will load much quicker and use much less bandwidth. Enjoy! Homepage The Quenya Phrase Book now has twelve sections in it, and counting. Way to go Gildor! Please, let him know how much you appreciate his efforts. dreamingfifi Random

Spam Attack!

Hello everyone! The other day, I finally tired of deleting spam. Lately, I’ve had to clean more and more and more of the stuff from the forums. I believe that they perceived the unrestricted posting and charged in for the kill. So, I came up with a clever plan. I’d

The Origin of Man

Little to tell you today except that I’ve finally got Internet access again! –Oh, and I’ve finished a new essay called “The Origin of Man” and did a little tweaking in the Sindarin Phrase Book. I have a new e-mail address! From now on, please use —– dreamingfifi/Navaer Lalaith Random