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In The Lord of the Rings, Legolas hears a seagull’s call and right away starts wanting to go to the sea. Then there all of these other Elves that are leaving Middle-earth in droves, going to the sea. Many fans have wondered about that and started some fanon based on

Trustworthy Websites

These are all websites that I recommend. To see a list of websites that are often mistaken for good sources of Tolkien’s languages visit the Untrustworthy Websites list. Dictionaries About Tolkien’s Languages Tolkien Language Communities Elvish Compositions About Writing Systems Fonts and Lists of Fonts About Arda About and Hosting

Name Lists

First stop: Naming Traditions, so you know what language the names you chose will be in and what sort of name you’re looking for. If you don’t care: go to the Random Name Generator. Namelists: Quenya Name List For the Noldor dwelling in Valinor and in Middle-earth, and the Gondorian

Dwarven Naming traditions

Dwarves have two or more names. Two of them are given at birth. The first is made of Kuzdul, the Dwarven language. Only other Dwarves are allowed to know it (1102 LotR). The second is made of Westron (35 PME), but Tolkien replaced it with Norse (41 PME). This name

Númenóreans’ Naming Traditions

The Númenóreans love to name themselves after other people or Elves that they respect. They won’t take a name from someone who is living at the time because that could create misunderstandings and other such trouble. In Númenor and its followers: Gondor and Arnor, a king is given a new

Elven Naming Traditions of Middle-earth

If you haven’t read the essay on the Elven naming traditions of Valinor, go back and read it, then read this essay. The conclusions and terminology used in this essay will make more sense if you do so. Of the naming traditions of the Eldar who lived in Valinor, we

Elven Naming Traditions of Valinor

Elven names are not like our names these days, where we don’t know what our names mean without hefty amounts of research, and our names were chosen from lists of pre-existing, traditional names. Elven names have meaning, and an Elf, upon hearing for the first time the true names of

About Me

Once upon a time there was a fanatical fan of The Lord of the Rings. In fact, this is hardly an unusual occurrence, except this fan had read both The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings before she saw the movies. Shortly after the movies came out, she discovered

Taking Requests

These updates are pretty minor. I just moved around some of the content. I made a whole section for requesting translations out of the old Need Help? page, so hopefully people can figure out how to request translations more easily. I changed the Need Help? page into a new FAQ page,