Sindarin Pronunciation Guide
Names for the wielders of weapons.
- aith Spearpoint
- amath Shield
- ang Iron
- cû Crescent/Bow
- crist Cleaver
- dram Heavy Stroke/Blow
- drava- To Hew
- dring Hammer
- dringa- To Hammer/Beat
- ech Thorn
- ecthel Spearpoint
- eg2 Thorn
- ercha- To Prick/Stab
- gamp Hook/Claw
- harna- To Wound
- hast Axe-Stroke
- hasta- To Hack Through/Cleave
- hathel Broadsword Blade/Axe-Blade
- lang Cutlass
- megil Sword
- nag- To Bite
- naith Spearhead/Wedge/Angle
- narcha- To Rend/Rip
- ndag- To Kill
- ndagra- To Battle
- peng Bow (for shooting)
- rhib- To Scratch
- rista- To Cut/Rip/Rend
- tang Bowstring
If you would like a custom made name, go to Translation Requests and fill out the questionnaire.