Sindarin Pronunciation Guide
Celebamath - Silver Shield
Celebrenamath - Silver Shield
Celeiramath - Brilliant Shield
Celevonamath - Shield of Silver
Cemamath - Earthen Shield
Cidinnamath - Small Shield
Cinnogamath - Small Shield
Círamath - Renewed Shield
Cíwamath - Fresh/New Shield
Collamath - Golden Red Shield
Cornamath - Round/Globed Shield
Cothastor - Enemy Axe-er
Cúdulus - Crescent of Poplar
Cúfer - Crescent of Beech[tree]
Cúlalf - Crescent of Elm
Cúnamath - Bowed/Bent Shield
Cúthon - Crescent of Pine
Cúvallorn - Crescent of Mallorn
Dagor - Killer/Battle
Dagror - Battler
Damam - Claw Hammer
Dolgrithor - Head Reaper
Dramgoth - Enemy Striker
Dravor - Hewer
Dringor - Beater
Dringoth - Enemy Hammer
Egeleb - Thorn of Silver
Ehereg - Thorn of Blood
Ehiar - Thorn of Blood
Eithagar - Spearpoint of Blood
Eithagarwaen - Bloodstained Spearpoint
Eithereg - Spearpoint of Blood
Eithiar - Spearpoint of Blood
Eithilevren - Spearpoint Glittering like Crystals
Eithruin - Fiery Red Spearpoint
Erhor - Pricker/Stabber
Fothaes - Cloud of Nails
Gurunam - Death Hammer
Halhigil - Hidden Dagger
Hathellas - Leaf Blade
Iareg - Blood Thorn
Iarlang - Blood Cutlass
Laegang - Keen Iron
Laegrist - Keen Cleaver
Maegang - Sharp Iron
Nagor - Biter
Narhor - Render
Orhagar - Orc Blood
Rhibor - Scratcher
Ristor - Render/Ripper/Cutter
Seregam - Blood Hook/Claw
Sereglang - Blood Cutlass
Silevegil - White Crystal Sword
Torogarc - Troll Fang
Túbeng - Strong Bow
Túdang - Strong Bowstring
Urugarc - Bogey Fang
Urugrist - Bogey Cleaver
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