Adûnaic Dictionary by Lambendil
An old dictionary put together by Lambendil.
Neo-Adûnaic Wordlist by Ederchil
These are fan-coined words. in the Phrasebooks, they are marked with Asterisks.
Adûnaic Compass Directions
A list of compass directions and a few partial phrases including them.
Adûnaic Family-words by Ederchil
A list of words for family members, including endearments.
Adûnaic Gender-words by Ederchil
A list of words for people based on their gender.
Adûnaic Pronouns by Ederchil
Charts of pronouns for quick reference.
Adûnaic Sentient Creatures, Tribes, and Nationalities by Ederchil
What characters of different nationalities would call each other.