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The Origin of Man

The most common and incorrect assumption about Men is that Men of Arda are just like us. Like the Elves, their appearance and strength is based upon their genealogical past. Like the Elves, they have a beginning that is carefully planned out. Men share weaknesses with us, and some of

Untrustworthy Websites

These are all sources that people have used for Tolkien's Languages that people shouldn't. If you are uncertain of a source that you have been using, contact us and we will check it out for you. Website Title The Languages of Tolkien's Middle-earth by R. S. Noel Reason(s) This book

Quenya Pronunciation

Another website with information about Quenya Pronunciation: Elvish Pronunciation Guide Voices in the recordings are Fiona Jallings and Tinwelint. Vowels `C=~C(A/Á) Pronounce them /a/, like the A is in the word “father”. Make sure that the A is pronounced the same at the ends of words too. English speakers often

Find Your Phrasebook

Hello writer. I see you have a character who would like to hold a conversation in another tongue. This page will help you figure out what language and dialect you need phrases in. What species is this character? Elf Human (and Hobbit) Dwarf If they are speaking to a fellow

Rohirrim’s Naming Traditions

The Rohirrim will name each other after each other. They rarely have more than one name. (I have a hypothesis that names were given after the person was a few years old: like Éowyn – Horse Joy. Éowyn probably was a tomboy when she was a little girl, and probably

Númenóreans’ Naming Traditions

The Númenóreans love to name themselves after other people or Elves that they respect. They won’t take a name from someone who is living at the time because that could create misunderstandings and other such trouble. In Númenor and its followers: Gondor and Arnor, a king is given a new

Elven Naming Traditions of Middle-earth

If you haven’t read the essay on the Elven naming traditions of Valinor, go back and read it, then read this essay. The conclusions and terminology used in this essay will make more sense if you do so. Of the naming traditions of the Eldar who lived in Valinor, we

Elven Naming Traditions of Valinor

Elven names are not like our names these days, where we don’t know what our names mean without hefty amounts of research, and our names were chosen from lists of pre-existing, traditional names. Elven names have meaning, and an Elf, upon hearing for the first time the true names of