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Parca ná

English: It’s dry Literal Translation: It’s dry Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya, Gondorian-Sindarin, Adúnaic, and Black Speech: qE6aE 5~C Pronunciation Guides Language(s): QuenyaThe language of the Noldorin and Vanyarin Elves, spoken primarily in Aman. It was picked up by the

Samuel in Elvish

Samuel, your name is really cool! It’s the name of a biblical figure and has been borrowed into many languages, wherever Abrahamic religions show up. It has two possible meanings. The first is Shmū’ēl “Name of El Elyon.” The second is based off the passage in the Torah describing why

Elven Naming Traditions of Valinor

Elven names are not like our names these days, where we don’t know what our names mean without hefty amounts of research, and our names were chosen from lists of pre-existing, traditional names. Elven names have meaning, and an Elf, upon hearing for the first time the true names of