English: You are a dirty wolf Literal Translation: You are a dirty wolf (informal) Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya, Gondorian-Sindarin, Adúnaic, and Black Speech: 5~C1 y~C7E 5#6t^ Pronunciation Guides Language(s): Exilic QuenyaThis dialect of Quenya is spoken by the Noldorin
Exilic Quenya
This dialect of Quenya is spoken by the Noldorin exiles and their students.
Cendeletya ná ve cendele ulundova
English: You look like a monster Literal Translation: your face is like a monster’s face (informal) Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya, Gondorian-Sindarin, Adúnaic, and Black Speech: aR2$jR1ÍE 5~C yR aR2$jR `MjU2^yE Pronunciation Guides Language(s): Exilic QuenyaThis dialect of Quenya is
English: little girl Literal Translation: [d] maiden (informal) Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya, Gondorian-Sindarin, Adúnaic, and Black Speech: yRf% Pronunciation Guides Language(s): Exilic QuenyaThis dialect of Quenya is spoken by the Noldorin exiles and their students. Phrasebook Chapter(s): Praise and
English: little one Literal Translation: little one [feminine] (informal) Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya, Gondorian-Sindarin, Adúnaic, and Black Speech: yT5%t$ Pronunciation Guides Language(s): Exilic QuenyaThis dialect of Quenya is spoken by the Noldorin exiles and their students. Phrasebook Chapter(s): Praise
English: little one Literal Translation: little one [masculine] (informal) Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya, Gondorian-Sindarin, Adúnaic, and Black Speech: yT5%t^ Pronunciation Guides Language(s): Exilic QuenyaThis dialect of Quenya is spoken by the Noldorin exiles and their students. Phrasebook Chapter(s): Praise
Mai caril nandele
English: You play the harp well Literal Translation: You do harp-playing well (formal) Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya, Gondorian-Sindarin, Adúnaic, and Black Speech: tlE aE7Tj 5#2$jR Pronunciation Guides Language(s): Exilic QuenyaThis dialect of Quenya is spoken by the Noldorin exiles
Á envinyata immo ron
English: Heal yourself soon Literal Translation: Heal oneself soon Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya, Gondorian-Sindarin, Adúnaic, and Black Speech: ~C `V5yT5Ì#1E `Bt:^ 7Y5 Pronunciation Guides Language(s): Exilic QuenyaThis dialect of Quenya is spoken by the Noldorin exiles and their students.
Nai omenuval nosselya ar meldalyar Mandostesse
English: May you join your family and friends in the afterlife Literal Translation: May you meet your family and friends in Mandos. (formal) Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya, Gondorian-Sindarin, Adúnaic, and Black Speech: 5lE `Nt$5&yEj 5^,Rj´E `C6 t$mEj´E6 t#2^81R,R Pronunciation
catie nande
English: fashion a harp Literal Translation: fashioning a harp Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya, Gondorian-Sindarin, Adúnaic, and Black Speech: aE1T`V 5#2$ Pronunciation Guides Language(s): Exilic QuenyaThis dialect of Quenya is spoken by the Noldorin exiles and their students. Phrasebook Chapter(s):
hanie i lambe Casarion
English: understand Dwarvish Literal Translation: understanding the language of the Dwarves Guide for Adding Punctuation to the Tengwar and Cirth Tengwar with vowel-tehtar, used for Quenya, Gondorian-Sindarin, Adúnaic, and Black Speech: 9D5%`V `B jEw$ aEiE7T`N5 Pronunciation Guides Language(s): Exilic QuenyaThis dialect of Quenya is spoken by the Noldorin exiles and