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I’ve had quite a lot of fun entering my website into contests for LotR websites. These are the awards I’ve won. To save bandwidth, you must click on the award to view it. Unfortunately, most of the websites I received these awards from are gone. Best Overall Site of the

The Origin of Man

The most common and incorrect assumption about Men is that Men of Arda are just like us. Like the Elves, their appearance and strength is based upon their genealogical past. Like the Elves, they have a beginning that is carefully planned out. Men share weaknesses with us, and some of

Trustworthy Websites

These are all websites that I recommend. To see a list of websites that are often mistaken for good sources of Tolkien’s languages visit the Untrustworthy Websites list. Dictionaries About Tolkien’s Languages Tolkien Language Communities Elvish Compositions About Writing Systems Fonts and Lists of Fonts About Arda About and Hosting

Sindarin Sentient Creatures, Tribes, and Nationalities

Here's a list of words for sentient things capable of speech. I've organized them by number. These words are the same in all Sindarin dialects unless otherwise marked: Gondorian Dialect: (G. parentheses) Doriathren Dialect: (D. parentheses) A quick set of definitions of the grammatical terms: Singular One [noun] Plural More

Sindarin Pronunciation

The voice actors were Fiona Jallings (female voice that struggles with R-rolling) and Adam Elliott (male voice brought in to roll R’s). General Dialect Vowels Diphthongs Consonants Where the stress falls Dialects Doriathren Sindarin Woodelven Sindarin Gondorian Sindarin Sindarin has three different writing systems, so the sounds are written with

Simplified Pronunciation Transcription System

Because IPA is tricky for people who aren’t familiar with it, I made up a pronunciation transcription system that doesn’t use unfamiliar characters, is largely based on the ways the words are already written, and can be used for all of Tolkien’s languages. You’ll find it used all over the

Pronunciation Guides

Because occasionally we need to be able to pronounce our character’s names and what they are saying, here are some pronunciation guides to help you figure it out. Simplified Pronunciation Transcription System Want to be able to read the simplified pronunciation guys for the phrasebooks? This system was designed to


Dialogue is one of the most important tools a writer can have to build a character. Many authors try to use Elvish to give the dialogue a more authentic feel, and it should work. After all, Tolkien used this trick very successfully. However, there’s a very big difference between Tolkien


I have great news today! The Quenya and Noldorin name lists are finally completed and up on the website! Three cheers for Tyrhael and Gildor! HIP HIP HOORAY! HIP HIP HOORAY! HIP HIP HOORAY! Quenya Namelists Exilic Sindarin Phrasebook In celebration, I’ve put up the summer colors. This skin I