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Random Name Generator

Welcome to the Realelvish Random Name Generator! This name generator works a bit differently from others on the internet. A program isn’t doing the name-making. That means no random syllable games being passed off as Tolkien’s languages. Tolkien isn’t doing the name-making either. These are unique names for your unique

Tolkien’s Magic

I’m not speaking of his incredible writing voice or his powerful poetry; I’m speaking of the magic in Eä, the World that Is. There seems to be a lot of confusion on this topic in the fanfiction and RP world. With many fans left clueless, they turn to other fandoms

Vampires and Werewolves in Middle-earth

We all know what the stereotypes of vampires and werewolves are in our modern fiction. They’re based off a combination of Bram Stokers’ Dracula and old European folktales. Tolkien, however, didn’t have brooding, humanoid, mysterious vampires or werewolves in his work. Here, I shall cover the brief mentions of Tolkien’s

An Elven Wedding

One mystery to many Lord of the Rings fans (who haven’t read Morgoth’s Ring) is Elven marriage. Wandering around the fandom, we see all sorts of marriage ceremonies; from Christian ones to very elaborate ceremonies involving bloodletting. This essay answers the question: What is an Elven marriage like? Tolkien wrote

Basic History of the Languages of Arda

This is a guide for those of you trying to figure out what language people would be speaking and naming in a fanfiction/roleplay/daydream. Before the Sun and the Moon Eru makes the Ainur, and they speak Valarin, and presumably through music. The Elves awaken at Cuiviénen, and they speak Common

Calendars of Arda

Eldarin Calendar Elves have a long time to live, and thus, divide their lives accordingly. Elves prefer to count time by 12 and 6. Terms Yén (Quenya) 144 years Coranar or Loa (Quenya) – În or Idhrin (Sindarin) 365 days Enquië (Quenya) 1 week, 6 days long Ré (Quenya) –

From Book to Movie

Why Read the Books? Many fans like to try their hand at writing The Lord of the Rings fan fiction after seeing the movie. I suppose they figure, “Hey, it’s the movie of the book, right? There can’t be that many changes, right?” Luckily, they are wrong. The books are

Find Your Phrasebook

Hello writer. I see you have a character who would like to hold a conversation in another tongue. This page will help you figure out what language and dialect you need phrases in. What species is this character? Elf Human (and Hobbit) Dwarf If they are speaking to a fellow